CS 748T - Topics in Databases: 
Distributed Database Management

M. Tamer Özsu
DC 3121, ext. 6847

Course Objectives

The course has dual objectives. The first is an in-depth study of the classical distributed database management issues such as distribution design, distributed query processing and optimization, and distributed transaction management. The second objective is to study more current distributed database management topics such as pervasive compuitng, Web data management, different distribution models (push versus pull), interoperability and componentization, and data mining on the web.


Good knowledge of database internals at least at the level of CS 448/648 is required. Knowledge of computer network principles is an asset. Of coure, students are expected to have the maturity to deal with data structures and algorithms.

Course Outline

Textbooks and References

Principal reference:

Other useful references:

Workload and Evaluation

There will be no tests or exams. 
[University of Waterloo]
University of Waterloo
[Department of Computer Science]
Computer Science
[M. Tamer Özsu's home page]
M.T. Özsu
[M. Tamer Özsu's home page]
CS 748t Home Page