select firstnme, midinit, lastname, salary, year(hiredate-birthdate) as age from employee where job = 'MANAGER' order by lastname, firstnme, midinit
select M.lastname, deptname, E.job, count(E.empno) as num_emp from employee M, department, employee E where M.empno = mgrno and E.workdept = deptno and E.job != 'MANAGER' group by M.empno, M.lastname, deptname, E.job
select projname, R.lastname as responsible, E.lastname as most_senior, M.lastname as manager from project P, employee R, department D, employee E, employee M where respemp = R.empno and D.deptno = P.deptno and respemp != mgrno and mgrno = M.empno and respemp != E.empno and E.empno in (select E2.empno from employee E2, emp_act A where E2.empno = A.empno and A.projno = P.projno and E2.hiredate <= all (select E3.hiredate from employee E3, emp_act X where E3.empno = X.empno and X.projno = A.projno) )
(select P.projname, integer(P.prstaff*(year(P.prendate-P.prstdate)*12 + month(P.prendate-P.prstdate))) as p_months, sum (integer(S.prstaff*(year(S.prendate-S.prstdate)*12 + month(S.prendate-S.prstdate)))) as s_months from project P, project S where P.projno = S.majproj group by P.projno,P.projname,P.prstaff,P.prendate,P.prstdate having count(*) < 3) union all (select projname, integer(prstaff*(year(prendate-prstdate)*12 + month(prendate-prstdate))) as p_months, 0 as s_months from project where projno in ((select A.projno from project A) except (select M.majproj from project M)) )
drop table time_slot create table time_slot ( id char(6) not null primary key, start_time time not null, end_time time not null, constraint valid_times check ( second(start_time) = 0 and (minute(start_time) in (0,15,30,45)) and second(end_time) = 0 and (minute(end_time) in (0,15,30,45)) ), constraint other_key unique(start_time, end_time) ) drop table network create table network ( name char(3) not null primary key ) drop table tv_channel create table tv_channel ( number smallint not null primary key, city char(20), type char(1) not null, owner char(15), network_name char(3) references network, constraint number_range check (number between 2 and 99), constraint type_val check ( (upper(type) in ('N','I')) and (upper(type) = 'I' or network_name is not null) ) ) drop table person create table person ( name char(20) not null primary key, date_of_birth date, sex char(1), constraint valid_sex check ( upper(sex) in ('M','F') ) ) drop table actor create table actor ( name char(20) not null primary key references person, exclusive_network char(3) references network ) drop table tv_program create table tv_program ( name char(25) not null primary key, genre char(10), intended_audience char(10), rating smallint, length smallint, constraint valid_rating check (rating between 1 and 5), constraint valid_length check (length > 0) ) drop table program_slot create table program_slot ( slot char(6) not null references time_slot, channel smallint not null references tv_channel, constraint slot_key primary key (slot,channel) ) drop table appears_on create table appears_on ( slot char(6) not null, channel smallint not null, program_name char(25) not null references tv_program, constraint slot_key primary key (slot,channel,program_name), constraint slot_ref foreign key (slot,channel) references program_slot ) drop table stars_in create table stars_in ( program_name char(25) not null references tv_program, actor_name char(20) not null references actor, constraint appears_key primary key (program_name,actor_name) )
delete from stars_in delete from appears_on delete from program_slot delete from tv_program delete from actor delete from person delete from tv_channel delete from network delete from time_slot insert into time_slot ( values ('1200h','12.00.00','12.30.00'), ('1200f','12.00.00','13.00.00'), ('1230f','12.30.00','13.00.00'), ('1800f','18.00.00','19.00.00'), ('2000f3','20.00.00','23.00.00') ) select * from time_slot insert into network ( values ('cbc'),('ctv'),('tvo'),('abc'),('nbc'),('cbs') ) select * from network insert into tv_channel ( values (2,'toronto','n',null,'tvo'), (3,'toronto','i','global',null), (5,'toronto','n',null,'cbc'), (10,'hamilton','i','CHCH',null), (12,'kitchener','n',null,'ctv') ) select * from tv_channel insert into person ( values ('robert redford','1945-10-12','m'), ('judi dench','1943-03-30','f'), ('joan rivers','1938-01-21','f'), ('johnny depp','1965-12-01','m') ) select * from person insert into tv_program ( values ('Lost revengers','drama','adult',3,180), ('Kids no more','education','children',5,60), ('Who did it?','mystery','all',2,60), ('Kids know less','cartoon','children',1,30) ) select * from tv_program
drop view slot_lengths create view slot_lengths as select id, start_time, hour(end_time-start_time)*60 + minute(end_time-start_time) as length from time_slot select * from slot_lengthsThe above solution (which will be accepted) does not handle times around midnight properly. An alternative solution to accommodate such cases is the following:
rop view slot_lengths create view slot_lengths as (select id, start_time, hour(end_time-start_time)*60 + minute(end_time-start_time) as length from time_slot where hour(end_time-start_time)*60+minute(end_time-start_time) >=0) union (select id, start_time, hour(end_time-start_time)*60 + minute(end_time-start_time)+1440 as length from time_slot where hour(end_time-start_time)*60+minute(end_time-start_time) <0 )
drop view exclusive_slots create view exclusive_slots as select * from slot_lengths where id not in ( select I.id from time_slot O, time_slot I where (I.start_time > O.start_time and I.start_time < O.end_time or I.start_time = O.start_time and I.end_time < O.end_time) and I.id != O.id ) select * from exclusive_slots
delete from appears_on delete from program_slot insert into program_slot ( select id, number from time_slot, tv_channel ) select * from program_slot insert into appears_on ( select distinct program_slot.*,name from program_slot, tv_program where intended_audience != 'children' and slot in ( select L.id from exclusive_slots L where start_time >= '17.00.00' and L.length >= tv_program.length and L.length < tv_program.length + 30) ) insert into appears_on ( select distinct program_slot.*,name from program_slot, tv_program where intended_audience = 'children' and slot in ( select L.id from time_slot, exclusive_slots L where end_time <= '20.00.00' and L.length >= tv_program.length and L.length < tv_program.length + 30) ) select * from appears_on
delete from stars_in delete from actor insert into actor ( select name, 'ctv' from person ) update actor set exclusive_network = null update actor set exclusive_network = 'cbc' where name in ( select name from person where date_of_birth < '1950-01-01' ) update actor set exclusive_network = 'nbc' where upper(name) like '%R%' select * from actor insert into stars_in ( select p.name,a.name from tv_program p, actor a where (exclusive_network != 'cbc' or exclusive_network is null) and rating >3 ) select * from stars_in
drop view appears create view appears as select actor_name, channel, start_time from stars_in, appears_on, slot_lengths where stars_in.program_name = appears_on.program_name and slot = id select * from appears select name, exclusive_network, start_time, channel, network_name as wrongly from actor, appears, tv_channel where name = actor_name and channel = number and exclusive_network != network_name order by name, channel