Project Objectives and Scope

The projects consists of picking up a research problem related to the course and working on its solution for the duration of this term. Any topic that is covered in the course is acceptable as the domain from which a problem can be selected.

What I expect in the project is a good understanding of the problem, insight into its solution, and a well defined strategy for its solution. You should treat the term project as if you were doing the initial background study for further in-depth research. In other words, the report should demonstrate an understanding of and an insight into the problem such that given enough time, you could carry it to its logical conclusion and complete the research. This normally means that you have found at least one way to tackle the problem and have done some preliminary evaluation to test its effectiveness and efficiency. What may remain to turn it into a full solution (perhaps publishable somewhere) would be further analysis/evaluation and fine-tuning the solution. How far you go into the solution together with the difficulty of the problem will determine your final mark.

The research part of the projects will be done in teams of two. Normally, both members of a group will get the same mark.


  1. What I expect in the end is a 12 page paper typeset using ACM SIGMOD conference format (this is similar to many ACM conference formats). The paper should include
    1. Introduction. The introduction should answer the following questions:
      • What is the problem you are solving? This should be clearly and precisely stated early in the introduction. You would be amazed at the number of papers that do not specify what the problem is.
      • Why are you solving this problem? Why should the world care? The issue here is convincing the reader that the problem is of importance, so deserving of your (and the readers') attention.
      • Why is there a need for yet another solution? Quite often, we work on problems that have been studied before. Therefore, you need to provide, in an highlight form, why another solution is needed. If you find a problem that no one thought of before, you are lucky and this is not an important question to address (but then the importance of the previous question is higher).
      • What is the novel aspect of your solution? Novelty is considered very highly in evaluating computer science papers and this is your chance to make your point.
    2. Related Work. This is the survey of what has been done on the topic. This is where you show your scholarship and understanding of the problem area. Sometimes it makes sense to include it right after Introduction, other times it may make more sense to include it right before Conclusions. The latter is usually done if you are planning to provide a comparison of your approach with earlier work -- you can't do that until you present your own solution.
    3. Technical body of the paper. This can be as many sections as would be require. In many cases, I write an "Overview of Solution" section that highlights the overall approach and identifies the technical problems that need to be solved. Then I have one section for each of those technical problems.
    4. Evaluation. Most of the projects in this course are likely to require experimental validation to test both effectiveness and efficiency. This section should carefully explain your experimental setup, what each experiment is expected to test, and then report on the results.
    5. Conclusions. I would like to see a reasoned discussion of what your analysis is of the problem and your solution given the results of evaluation. This is also your opportunity to remind the reviewer (me!) of the importance of the problem and the novelty of the solution.
  2. I would like you to add a 2 page appendix to the paper that clearly outlines what additional work you would do if you were given another 2-3 months to work on this paper. The main question to answer is what you need to do to turn a course project into a publishable paper.

Note that the presentation of the report is very important. It should be written carefully so that I can understand it easily. A lot of papers are rejected from publication venues because the reviewers are not able to undersand the paper. It is your responsibility to ensure that the reviewer (in this case, I) can understand what you are saying. If you require assistance with presentation and language, please seek help -- I will read it as a critical reviewer.


The following is the schedule that we will follow. We may have to change these a bit based on the number of people in the class (which will determine the presentation schedule).
January 29:

You should have formed a team and choosen a topic by now. I will schedule meetings this week to help you focus. By the end of the day February 6, I expect to get a 1-2 page description of your project

February 19:

You should have finished reading the related literature and should have some initial thoughts on a solution

March 11 (week of):
I'll schedule meetings with each group to see how things are going.
April 12:
Absolute deadline for handing in final reports (by 12 midnight).  Just send me a PDF file.