Weekly Schedule

The following is the weekly schedule for the course.The schedule will be firmed up when we know how many students are in the course and how many presentations we need to schedule.

In the weekly schedule, I have indicated the material that you need to read. Whenever there is a reference to the textbook,  I will be lecturing. The papers will be presented by students. Each presentation will be 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes of discussion (sometimes we may extend these times) and each presenter will be required to submit (at the time of the presentation) a 5-7 page critique of the paper. This will count towards one of the two paper critiques. Requirements for the paper critiques are given here. Note that the papers to present are not yet indicated -- they will come later.

Week 1 - January 10, 2013

Introduction and architectural issues

Week 2 - January 17, 2013

Data distribution/distributed query processing

Week 3 - January 24, 2013

Distributed query optimization

Week 4 - January 31, 2013

Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control

Week 5 - February 7, 2013

Distributed Database Reliability

Week 6 - February 14, 2013

Database replication

Week 7 - February 21, 2013 (Reading week, no class)

Parallel data management

Week 8 - February 28, 2013

Database integration & querying

Week 9 - March 7, 2013

Week 10 - March 14, 2013 - No class

Week 11 - March 21, 2013

Week 12 - March 28, 2013

Week 13 - April 4, 2013