CS 888, Fall 2008 - Papers

Last Updated: November 20, 2008


The following is a list of suggested books/papers as well as some background material. If you wish to present another paper, you should contact one of the course instructors.

Various Architecture Links

Background for Shape Grammars

  • STINY, G. 1980. Introduction to shape and shape grammars. Environment and Planning B 7, 343361.
  • STINY, G. 1980. Production systems and grammars: a uniform characterization. Environment and Planning B 7, 399408.
  • STINY, G. 1982. Spatial relations and grammars. Environment and Planning B 9, 313314.
  • Peter Wonka's 2008 SIGGRAPH Course provides an overview of the work.
  • The Ten Books on Architecture by Vitruvius Pollio
    In particular, see chapters 3, 4, and 5 of Book III.
  • Dwelling House Construction, Albert Dietz
  • On the Art of Building in Ten Books, Leon Battista Alberti
  • Classical Architecture: The Poetics of Order. Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre
  • The Grammar of Architecture, Emily Cole

Background for Mesh Architecture

  • In the Park, a review of Sketches of Frank Gehry, by Sydney Pollack.
  • An overview and some background material can be found in the book Architectural Geometry, Pottmann, Asperl, Hofer, and Kilian.

Shape grammar papers

Papers marked with an have already been selected for presentation.

Meshing papers

Papers marked with an have already been selected for presentation.

Stephen Mann
University of Waterloo | School of Computer Science | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1 | 519.888.4567 | www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~smann/