Scheme | Year | Presenter | Surfaces | Faces | Mesh | Key Technique |
A parametric strategy for free-form glass structures using quadrilateral planar facets | 2004 | Alex E | Tensor Product | Quad | Parallelogram | By Construction |
Geometric modeling with conical meshes and developable surfaces. | 2006 | Eugene | Conical/Developable | Quad | Conical | Optimization |
The focal geometry of circular and conical meshes. | 2006 | Murtaza | --- | Quad | Circular/conical | Theoretical Results |
Discrete surfaces for architectural design. | 2006 | Jie | --- | --- | -- | Survey |
Constrained Planar Remeshing for Architecture | 2007 | Zainab | NURBS/Subdivision | n-sided | --- | Iterative averaging |
Geometry of multi-layer freeform structures for architecture | 2007 | Tiantian | Freeform | Quad/Pent/Hex | parallel | nonlinear optimization |
Freeform surfaces from single curved panels. | 2008 | Adam | Freeform | Single curved | Quad | Optimization |
Stephen Mann
University of Waterloo | School of Computer Science | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1
| 519.888.4567 |