Figure 1: The parse tree for the shape grammars for generating a bedroom with two beds, two desks and two chairs.
Figure 2: The configuration tree for spatial subdivision and furniture arrangements for a bedroom with one bed, one deskand one chair.
Figure 3: The interface of the application.
Figure 4: An example showing spatial subdivisions of functional areas.
Figure 5: Some feasible layouts for a single-bed dorm. The shape grammars are shown in Example 1.
Figure 6: An infeasible layout for a single-bed dorm. The shape grammars are shown in Example 1.
Figure 7: Some feasible layouts for a two-bed dorm. The shape grammars are shown in Example 2.
Figure 8: An infeasible layout for a two-bed dorm. The shape grammars are shown in Example 2.