Sujaya Maiyya
Assistant Professor
University of Waterloo
I am an assistant professor at
Cheriton School of Computer Science at University of Waterloo. Prior to joining Waterloo, I did a short postdoc at Cornell University. I received my PhD from UC Santa Barbara where I was co-advised by Amr El Abbadi and Divy Agrawal.
Research Interests: My research interests broadly lie in distributed systems & databases and data privacy & security. I, along with my wonderful students, design, prototype and evaluate protocols for managing large-scale data in a performance efficient and secure manner. Currently, my group is solving prolems across different aspects of oblivious databases such as tunable-privacy, scalabily and fault tolerance, and support for relation queries.
New Area of Research: Recently, I have been working on building platfoms to execute genomics algorithms privately using trusted execution environments (TEEs)! If you are interested to work on TEEs or in transforming insecure genomics algorithms to secure ones, please reach out to me!
Prospective Students: I am looking for highly-motivated PhD and MSc students with full funding opportunities. If you are interested in working with me on systems research, please send me an email and mention my name as a potential advisor in your