def odd "Ek n=2*k+1"; def even "Ek n=2*k"; eval thm "Am,n ($odd(m) & $odd(n)) => $even(m+n)": eval shev1 "Ei,j 0=2": # z is not the sum of two upper-Wythoff numbers # in other words, those z in A260317 def gap "?msd_fib Et,v tt & u ~$s2uw(u)) & g=v-t": # gap g between two consecutive numbers in A260317 # in other words, A260311 eval thm "?msd_fib Ax $gap(x) => $isfib(x)": eval tm2 "?msd_fib Ax $gap(x) <=> (x=1|x=2|x=3|x=5)": def good "?msd_trib y>x & (~Ek k=1 & $xaut(n,x) & $yaut(n,y)) => $good(n,x,y)": eval check2 "?msd_trib An,x,y (n>=1 & $good(n,x,y)) => (Ez $xaut(n,z) & x>=z)": eval check3 "?msd_trib An,x,y (n>=1 & $xaut(n,x) & $good(n,x,y)) => (Ez $yaut(n,z) & y>=z)": eval julien1 "?msd_trib An,x,y,xy,yx ($xaut(n,x) & $yaut(n,y) & $xaut(y,xy) & $yaut(x,yx)) => (xy=x+y|yx=x+y)": def equalblock "At (t T[i+t]=T[j+t]": def novelblock "Ak (k ~$equalblock(i,k,n)": def countblock n "$novelblock(i,n)":