# Examples for the talk on Walnut # you can just cut and paste these into Walnut or (recommended) # the Ostrowski version of Walnut by Baranwal # Does the Thue-Morse sequence have an overlap? eval hasolap "Ei,n (n>=1) & As (s<=n) => T[i+s]=T[i+s+n]": # show that the Cantor sequence has no 10-antipowers def cfactoreq "?msd_3 At (t CA[i+t]=CA[j+t]": eval cno10 "?msd_3 Ai,n (n>=1) => ( $cfactoreq(i+0*n,i+1*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+0*n,i+5*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+2*n,i+3*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+2*n,i+8*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+3*n,i+4*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+3*n,i+7*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+3*n,i+9*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+4*n,i+5*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+4*n,i+9*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+5*n,i+6*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+5*n,i+8*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+6*n,i+7*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+7*n,i+8*n,n) | $cfactoreq(i+8*n,i+9*n,n))": # what are the lengths of the unbordered factors of Thue-Morse? def tmhasbord "Ej (j>=1) & (j T[i+t]=T[(i+n+t)-j]": # T[i..i+n-1] is bordered def unbordlen "Ei ~$tmhasbord(i,n)": # Which n did the Currie-Saari characterization miss? def missing "$unbordlen(n) & n=1+6*(n/6)": # show that the guessed word defined by DE is a Dean word eval dean1 "Ei,n (n>=1) & At (t DE[i+t]=DE[i+n+t]": # check if there's a square eval dean02 "Ei DE[i]=@0 & DE[i+1]=@2": eval dean20 "Ei DE[i]=@2 & DE[i+1]=@0": eval dean13 "Ei DE[i]=@1 & DE[i+1]=@3": eval dean31 "Ei DE[i]=@3 & DE[i+1]=@1": # check for existence of factors 02, 20, 13, 31 # show that the subsequences of the DE word has the properties we guessed eval checkde1 "An DE[4*n]=@0 & DE[4*n+2]=@2": eval checkde2 "An (DE[2*n+1]=@1 => P[n+1]=@0) & (DE[2*n+1]=@3 => P[n+1]=@1)": # for which prefix lengths is the prefix of the Fibonacci # word quasiperiodic? def fibfactoreq "?msd_fib At (t F[i+t]=F[j+t]": def fibquasi "?msd_fib Ai Ej j<=i & i ~$isfib(n+1)": # show that the Thue-Morse word is not quasiperiodic def tmfactoreq "At (t T[i+t]=T[j+t]": def tmquasi "Ai (Ej j<=i & i T[i+t]=T[j+t]": eval tmlinrec "Ai, n (n>=3) => Ej (j>=1 & j+18<=9*n) & $tmfactoreq(i,i+j,n)": # for all i, n the next occurrence of T[i..i+n-1] is at distance <= 9n-18 eval tmopt "Am Ei,n (n>=m) & Aj (j>=1 & $tmfactoreq(i,i+j,n)) => j+18>=9*n": # there are arbitrarily large factors where next # occurrence is at distance >= 9n-18. # additive number theory on the lower & upper Wythoff sequences reg end0 msd_fib "(0|1)*0": reg end1 msd_fib "(0|1)*1": def lower "?msd_fib $end0(n-1)": def upper "?msd_fib $end1(n-1)": eval kaw "?msd_fib ~Ea,b,c (n=a+b+c) & $lower(a) & $upper(b) & $upper(c)": # counting novel factors in the Thue-Morse sequence def tmfactoreq "At (t T[i+t]=T[j+t]": eval tmsw n "Aj (j ~$tmfactoreq(i,j,n)": # T[i..i+n-1] is a novel factor # counting special factors in the Thue-Morse sequence def tmfactoreq "At (t T[i+t]=T[j+t]": def rtspec "Ej $tmfactoreq(i,j,n) & T[i+n]!=T[j+n]": eval tmrs n "$rtspec(i,n) & Aj (j ~$tmfactoreq(i,j,n)": # determining the subword complexity function of Thue-Morse # via clumping def nf "Aj (j Et (t $nf(i,z)": def allnotnov "Ai (x<=i & i ~$nf(i,z)": def tmsub "E a2,a3,a4,a5,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5 (b1<=a2 & a2<=b2 & b2<=a3 & a3<=b3 & b3<=a4 & a4<=b4 & b4<=a5 & a5<=b5) & $allnovel(0,b1,n) & $allnovel(a2,b2,n) & $allnovel(a3,b3,n) & $allnovel(a4,b4,n) & $allnovel(a5,b5,n) & $allnotnov(b1,a2,n) & $allnotnov(b2,a3,n) & $allnotnov(b3,a4,n) & $allnotnov(b4,a5,n) & (Ai (i>=b5) => ~$nf(i,n)) & s = b1+(b2-a2)+(b3-a3)+(b4-a4)+(b5-a5)": # checking a formula for the subword complexity of Thue-Morse reg power2 msd_2 "0*10*": eval tmsubcheck "Ax,i,s,n (((n>=3 & $power2(x) & n=x+i & i>=1 & 2*i<=x & s+4=3*x+4*i) => $tmsub(n,s)) & ((n>=3 & $power2(x) & 2*n=3*x+2*i & i>=1 & 2*i<=x & s+2=5*x+2*i) => $tmsub(n,s)))": # no factor of a paperfolding sequences is a 3+ power eval pfhaslcube "?lsd_2 En (n>0) & Ef Ei i>=1 & Ak (k<=2*n) => PF[f][i+k] = PF[f][i+k+n]": # two different ways to check equality of Tribonacci factors def tribfaceq "?msd_trib At (t TR[i+t]=TR[j+t]": # Does TR[i..i+n-1]=TR[j..j+n-1] ? # This didn't run to completion, even after allocating 120 gigs def tribfaceq2 "?msd_trib Ax Ay (x>=i & x TR[x]=TR[y]": # Does TR[i..i+n-1]=TR[j..j+n-1] ? # This takes only 35 secs of CPU time and uses 7.2 gigs of storage # asserts that F[j..j+n-1] is F[i..i+n-1], shifted by t def fibshift "?msd_fib $fibfactoreq(j,i+t,n-t) & $fib(i,(j+n)-t,t)": # asserts that F[j..j+n-1] is a conjugate of F[i..i+n-1] def fibconj "?msd_fib Et (t