Kitchener, Ontario March 25, 1995 To the editor, NOW: Susan G. Cole's review of Nadine Strossen's new book, _Defending Pornography_, [NOW, March 23-29] was a hatchet job. Cole calls the title obnoxious. Funny, I thought it was a simple description of the contents. Cole neglects to give the book's subtitle, "Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights". Cole spends most of her "review" taking issue with a single sentence of Strossen's book. Cole doesn't even mention Strossen's revealing expose of how Catharine MacKinnon refuses to debate free-speech feminists, nor how pro-censorship feminists have distorted the experience of Deep Throat actress Linda Marchiano, nor how the books of pro-censorship feminist Andrea Dworkin were themselves seized by Canada Customs. Cole's review is self-serving. She describes Strossen as a "purist" with a "religious commitment", but Cole herself is a "thoughtful" activist. Yeah, right. Jeffrey Shallit