Kitchener, Ontario
					       June 21 1996


According to your June 5 cover story, "Searching for God", "two-thirds
of Princeton students are not affiliated with a religious organization.
They may be agnostics, atheists, or secularists."  Yet instead of
covering the comforting fact that two-thirds of students at one of
America's best universities have not been swayed by the propaganda of
organized religion, you instead chose to focus on the one-third who have.

Will we ever see a cover story entitled something like "Losing Faith
in Faith"?   Will PAW ever report on the many students who have, after serious
consideration of the available evidence, concluded that God is a fiction?
Will we ever see some really hard questions posed to believers, instead of
the kid-glove treatment your article afforded them?  Will we ever see
a PAW article that begins from the premise that intelligent skepticism,
not blind faith, is the best method for determining eternal truths?

Your article is yet another example of how religion is given a free
ride in the media.  If only Mencken were still alive.

Jeffrey Shallit '79
Kitchener, Ontario