To the editor:

After watching a TV program, columnist Matt Milczarczyk ["Global Warming
May Not Be Our Fault, After All" - April 30}
concluded that human-caused global warming is a "swindle".
Unfortunately, the only one who has been fooled is Milczarczyk

The TV program "The Great Global Warming Swindle" is full of errors and
distortions.    For example, it claimed that the fact that temperatures
decreased from the 1940's to the 1970's is proof that global warming is
not human-caused.  However, it overlooked the well-understood
phenomenon of cooling from sulfate aerosols during those decades.
Even one of the scientists who appeared on the program, Carl Wunsch,
has complained about the one-sided presentation; he called the show an
"out-and-out propaganda piece".

Those who are interested in a detailed refutation of the claims of the
program should visit, a website run by actual climate
scientists, not lawyers or sensationalist TV producers.  

Jeffrey Shallit