To the editor:

Whenever evolution is being discussed, someone can always be depended
upon to drag out an old quote of philosopher Karl Popper to the effect
that "Darwinism is not a testable scientific theory."  The latest to
hawk this quotation is Richard Farrar in his Dec. 1 letter, Can You
Test The Theory?

But anyone who has studied Popper knows he later retracted his claim,
saying, in an essay published in 1978, "I have changed my mind about the
testability and logical status of the theory of natural selection; I am
glad to have an opportunity to make a recantantion..."  Similar comments
appeared in 1980 in the journal New Scientist.

If Farrar or creationists want to know how evolution can be tested, all they
need do is pick up an evolutionary biology textbook, which will list hundreds
of papers providing evidence for the theory.  Far from being "metaphysical,"
Darwinism is testable and tested -- and passes every test with flying

Jeffrey Shallit