Dear Editor: Betty Karl's Feb. 21 letter asks, "If I am walking down the street with one of my granddaughters, how do I answer their questions should we meet a bare-breasted woman on the street?" Here are my suggestions. First, she could explain that the human body is the product of billions of years of evolution, and is nothing to be ashamed of. The breasts of mammals evolved to feed infants with nourishing milk. Second, she could explain that in many cultures, female breasts are left uncovered, and the sight of a naked breast in public is nothing unusual. Third, she could explain that some narrow-minded bigots want the government to restrict actions that hurt no one, simply because some deem them offensive. Finally, she could explain that we are lucky to live in Canada, which by and large respects the right of people to be different, and does not enforce laws against victimless behaviour out of some misguided allegiance to "traditional morality". Jeffrey Shallit