CS246 is a course that provides an introduction to object-oriented programming, it is offered by the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo.
The principle course web page can be found here. This web page only supplements the main page for my section of the course with additional scheduling information.
Lectures are held Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 - 12:50 in RCH 211. My office hours are by appointment and will be held in DC 3351. We will extensively use Piazza this term, it is highly recommended that you post your questions there as they are likely to be answered more quickly than via email. Gang Lu is the Instructional Support Coordinator for CS 246 and should be your first point of contact, her details are on the CS 246 people page. The official administrative entry provides additional scheduling information.
The official outline for the course is also available online.
Course Schedule
Please to refer to the current course schedule.