Lecture 11 - Lower Bounds I

In the previous lectures, we have seen how to efficiently reduce the depth of algebraic circuits (computing forms of polynomial degree) up to depth 3. Thus, to obtain any superpolynomial upper bounds for explicit families of forms, it suffices to prove strong enough lower bounds for homogeneous depth-4 circuits, or for general depth-3 circuits.

In this lecture, we will begin by showing exponential lower bounds agains homogeneous depth-3 circuits.

Homogeneous Depth-3 Circuits

Theorem 1 (Nisan-Wigderson 1980s):

Lower Bounds for General Circuits

We will now see how to prove lower bounds for general circuits. The only known lower bound for general circuits is the superlinear lower bound obtained by Baur and Strassen in 1983.

Theorem 2 (Baur-Strassen 1983): any circuit computing the polynomial f(x1,,xn)=x1d+1++xnd+1 must have size Ω(nlogd).

Proof: Given a circuit C of size s computing f, where each gate has fanin 2, each gate of C computes a quadratic polynomial of its inputs. We can formalize this as follows: assign to each (non-input) gate u of C a variable yu, and for each gate u with children v,w, define the quadratic constraints: Qu={yu(yv+yw)if u is an addition gate,yu(yvyw)if u is a multiplication gate.

Thus, for any set of gates S, the system of equations Qu=0uCyv=1vS has a solution if and only if the gates in S of the circuit C evaluate to 1 for some evaluation on the inputs x1,,xn.

In particular, if we have a circuit which contains a subset of gates S such that the polynomials Qu (when seen as polynomials in the x variables) have a finite number of common zeroes, we can apply Bezout’s theorem to obtain an upper bound on the number of common zeroes of the polynomials Qu. This will allow us to give a lower bound on the size of the circuit C.

Given our choice of f(x1,,xn)=x1d+1++xnd+1, we may not know how a given circuit C computes f. However, by the Baur-Strassen theorem from lecture 5 (Theorem 4, Lecture 5), we have that given C of size s computing f, there is a circuit C of size 5s computing f and all of its partial derivatives if, for i=1,,n.

Thus, with our choice of f, we have a circuit C of size 5s computing f and all of its partial derivatives if=xid. Let S be the set of gates of C computing the derivatives if. Thus, by the above discussion and Bezout’s theorem, we have that the system of equations Qu=0uCyv=1vS (note that the number of variables is 5s, as we count all the yu variables, which include the input variables) has a solution iff xid=1 for all i=1,,n.

As the above set of equations can have only finitely many common zeroes, we have that the number of common zeroes is at most uCdeg(Qu)uC2=2|C|25s. However, the number of common zeroes is at least dn, as any choice of xi such that xid=1 for all i is a common zero of the system of equations (the roots of unity). Hence, we obtain 25sdnsnlog(d)5s=Ω(nlogd).

To make this lecture self-contained we state Bezout’s Theorem, a fundamental result in algebraic geometry, which we used in the proof of the lower bound by Baur and Strassen.

Theorem 3 (Bezout’s Theorem): Let g1,,gmF[x1,,xn] be polynomials of degree d1,,dm, respectively. Moreover, let V(g1,,gm) denote the set of common zeroes of g1,,gm. If V(g1,,gm) is finite, then the number of common zeroes (counted with multiplicities) is at most i=1mdi.
