In this lecture, we will discuss certain structural results that are fundamental to the study of algebraic complexity theory.
We say that a polynomial is homogeneous if all the monomials in have the same degree.
For example, the polynomial is homogeneous of degree .
From now on, we will use the term form to refer to homogeneous polynomials.
Given any non-homogeneous polynomial , we can decompose it into a sum of its homogeneous components (by simply collecting all the terms of same degree).
For each degree , we denote by the homogeneous component of of degree .
Then, we can write as
where is the degree of .
For example, the polynomial has homogeneous components , , and .
Homogenization is a process that takes a circuit computing a (possibly non-homogeneous) polynomial and produces a circuit computing the homogeneous components of .
We will see that we can perform homogenization in a way that does not increase the size of the circuit by much.
Theorem 1 (Homogenization): Let be a polynomial of degree that can be computed by a circuit of size .
Then, for any there is a circuit of size that computes .
Proof: We will prove the theorem by constructing the circuit .
Division Elimination