CS886 Winter09 - Paper Critiques
- Two paper critiques (15% of final mark
- The papers critiqued should be different from the paper presented
- To be done individually
- At most 2 pages
- Put yourself in the shoes of a reviewer for a conference or
- Give constructive
feedback to the authors
- For every criticism, make a suggestion to improve the paper
- Mention also the good aspects of the paper
- If you don't understand something, mention it and explain why you
are having trouble to understand
Suggested questions to structure your critique
- What's the paper about?
- What are the contributions?
- What's the take home message?
Significance and originality
- Are the ideas novel/original?
- Are the contributions significant?
- Are the ideas presented technically correct?
- Are the proofs accurate?
- Are the algorithms correct?
- Are the ideas/algorithms empirically or theoretically evaluated?
- If some assumptions are made, are they realistic?
- Is scalability demonstrated?
Related work:
- Is the paper properly situated with respect to related work?
- Is there a brief survey of related work?
- Do the authors explain similarities and differences with previous
- Is the paper well structured?
- Does the abstract properly and accurately summarize the paper?
- Do the introduction and conclusion clearly explain the
contributions and the take home message?
- Is the flow of ideas easy to follow?
- Is the paper well written?
- Are all the technical terms and abreviations explained?
- Are there important grammatical errors?
- Are there a lot of typos?