CS486/686 - Spring 2006 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Instructor: Pascal Poupart
Email: cs486 [at] student [dot] cs [dot] uwaterloo [dot] ca
Newsgroup: uw.cs.cs486
Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-3pm (DC2514).
Lectures: Tuesday & Thursday 08:30-09:50 (RCH306) or
Teaching Assistants:
- Assignment 1: Martin Talbot (talbotm [at] acm [dot] org)
- Assignment 2: Andy Chiu (pachiu [at] cs [dot] uwaterloo [dot] ca)
- Assignment 3: Laurent Charlin (lcharlin [at] cs [dot] uwaterloo
[dot] ca)
- Assignment 4: Jie Zhang (j44zhang [at] cs [dot] uwaterloo [dot]
July 27: With the TAs, I will
hold office hours in preparation for the final exam on Monday Aug
7th 1-3pm and Wednesday Aug 9th 1-3pm in the AI lab (DC2306C).
July 27: A4 is marked.
Assignments can be picked up in a box outside of my office
(DC2514). Solutions are posted in the assignment section of the
course website. Jie Zhang will hold office hours on Tuesday Aug
1st, 1-3pm in the AI lab (DC2306C) to answer questions regadring the
marking scheme.
- Juy 14: A3 is
Solutions are posted in the assignment section of the course
website. Laurent Charlin will hold office hours on Monday 1-3pm
in the AI lab (DC2306C) to answer questions regarding the marking
- July 6: The midterm
marked. Solutions are posted in the test section of the course
website. Martin Talbot will hold office hours on Monday 1-3pm in
the AI lab (DC2306C) to answer questions regarding the marking scheme.
- July 3: Laurent
Charlin will
hold special office hours this Tuesday 1-3pm in the AI lab (DC2306C) to
answer questions regarding assignment #3.
- June 22: Andy,
Laurent and I
will hold special office hours this Friday (June 23) 1-3pm in the AI
lab (DC2306C) to answer questions regarding the midterm as well as the
marking scheme for asst2.
- June 22: Andy has
completed the
marking of assignment 2. The solutions are now posted in the
assignment section.
- June 13: The
midterm is
confirmed for Tuesday June 27th. It will be held in
class. See the test section of the website for more details.
- May
31: Martin will hold special office hours on Tuesday (June 6)
from 1PM to 3PM in the AI lab DC2306C to answer any questions regarding
the marking of assignment 1.
- May 31: Martin has
completed the
marking of assignment 1. The solutions are now posted in the
assignment section.
- May 16: The TA
responsible for A1,
Martin Talbot (talbotm [at] acm [dot] org),
will hold special office hours on Tuesday May 23rd 1-3pm in the AI lab
- May 11: The three test
problems for
assignment are now posted in the assignment section of the course
- May 9: Assignment 1
is out
(see assignment section of the course webpage)
- May 2: first lecture