CS486/686 - Spring 2005 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Instructor: Pascal Poupart
Email: cs486 [at] student [dot] cs [dot] uwaterloo [dot] ca
Newsgroup: uw.cs.cs486
Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-3pm (DC2514).
Lectures: Tuesday & Thursday 08:30-09:50 (RCH306) or
Teaching Assistants:
- Martin Talbot (assignment 1)
- Fred Kroon (assignment 2)
- Laurent Charlin (midterm)
- David Yeung (assignment 3)
- David Tausky (assignment 4)
July 28: The TAs
will hold two special group sessions to answer your questions in
preparation for the final exam:
- Wednesday Aug
3rd, 1 pm - 2:30 pm in the AI lab (DC2306C)
- Monday Aug 8th, 1 pm -
2:30 pm in the AI lab (DC2306C)
July 28: I will be out of town
(IJCAI conference) July 28th - Aug 9th. If you
have any questions send me an email and I will do my best to reply
within a few days.
- July 21: David
Tausky will
hold special office hours on Tuesday (July 26) 1-3pm in his office
(DC2302D) to help anyone with assignment 4.
- July 14: Laurent
Charlin will
hold special office hours this Monday (July 18) 2-3pm in the AI lab
(DC2306C) to answer questions regarding the marking of the
midterm. Please first have a look at the solutions posted in the
test section of the course website.
- July 7: David Yeung
will hold
special office hours this Friday (July 8) 1-3 pm in the AI lab
(DC2306C) to help anyone with assignment 3.
- July 7: Fred Kroon will
hold special
office hours this Monday (July 11) 10:30-11:30 am in the AI lab
(DC2306C) to answer questions regarding the marking of assignment 2.
- June 27: Since Assignment
3 can be
programmed relatively easily in Matlab, David Yeung has volunteered to
give a special tutorial on the basics of Matlab this Wednesday 11-12am
in the AI lab (DC2306C).
- June 27: Despite
working all
week end, Fred Kroon is not done marking assignment 2, so it won't be
available for pick up before the midterm. Instead please review
the solutions posted and feel free to come to my office hours today
(Monday) 1-3pm to ask questions.
- June 24: Solutions for
assignment 2
are now posted in the assignment section of the website
- June 23: I will hold
special office
hours this Monday 1-3pm (DC2514) to answer questions in preparation for
the midterm.
- June 23: Fred Kroon will
the solutions for assignment 2 to the newsgroup this Friday. He
will also finish marking assignment 2 during the week end, so
assignments will be available for pick up on Monday in a box outside of
my office (DC2514).
- June 9: Martin Talbot
will hold
special office hours in the AI lab (DC2306C) on Monday June 13th 11-1pm
to answer questions regarding the marking of assignment 1.
- June
9: I will hold special office
hours in my office (DC2514) on Monday June 13th 1-3pm to help you with
assignment 2.
- June 8:
Instructions for
the course project are now available in the project section of the
course website. Graduate
students registered in CS686 must hand in a project proposal by June
- May 31: Tomorrow's office
(June 21st) are cancelled as I will be out of town.
- May 31: We now have two
slots (7 and
8) in box 3 for handing in future assignments.
- May 24: You can hand in
assignments in box 3 slot 7 (3rd floor of the math building near the
bridge to DC)
- May
18: The midterm has been re-schedule on Tuesday June 28, 8:30-10 am and 11:30-1pm
- May 18: Monday May
23 is a
Holiday, so Martin Talbot's special office hours are re-scheduled on Tuesday May 24, 1-3pm (DC2306C)
- May 17: Special office
hours by
Martin Talbot for assignment 1 on Monday May 23, 1-3pm (DC2306C)
- May 17:
cases for assignment 1 are now posted
- May 17:
office hours on Wednesdays 1-3pm
- May 3: first lecture