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The M8 Companion

The M8 Companion🔗

(a flânerie by Prabhakar Ragde and Brian Simpson)

This is a tutorial introduction to the Dirtywave M8, a portable music device. It is a work in progress, and incomplete. There are complete drafts of chapters 1, 2, and 4; some partial work in chapters 6, 7, and 9; and nothing so far in chapter 5. Chapter 8 only has a few notes for future work, so is transitional.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    1 Introduction

    2 Prelude

      2.1 M8 organization

      2.2 Basic navigation

      2.3 Overview of views

      2.4 Hexadecimal notation

      2.5 Creating a new project

      2.6 Chains and phrases

    3 A first song

      3.1 Creating chains and phrases

      3.2 General parameters in Instrument View

      3.3 Synth instrument types

      3.4 The sampler instrument type

      3.5 Adding the bass

      3.6 Adding the pad and pluck

    4 Dub techno with the FM Synth

      4.1 A first look at the FM Synth

      4.2 Percussive elements

      4.3 Melodic elements

      4.4 Performance options

    5 Crafting beats with the Sampler

    6 More about instruments

      6.1 Instrument modulators

      6.2 Scales and transposition

      6.3 Wavsynth

      6.4 Macrosynth

      6.5 Hypersynth

      6.6 MIDI Out and External instrument

      6.7 MIDI in

    7 Working with tables

      7.1 Arpeggios and their variations

      7.2 LFOs and Envelopes

      7.3 Sound design

      7.4 Note map

      7.5 Other stuff?

    8 To be completed

      8.1 Chapter 5: Crafting beats with the Sampler

      8.2 Other chapters?

      8.3 Things to cover somewhere

      8.4 Undocumented FX Commands (add somewhere)

    9 Sources and Acknowledgements