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CS 747:   Software Verification using Proof Assistants

CS 747: Software Verification using Proof Assistants

This is the homepage for CS 747 at the University of Waterloo (Winter 2022). Although this is a graduate course, undergraduates may take it with permission of the instructor and a CS advisor, and it may be used to fulfil undergraduate fourth-year course requirements. Non-CS grad students must wait until the end of the first week of lectures to officially enroll.

Instructor: Prabhakar Ragde (plragde at uwaterloo dot ca).

Office hours: On MS Teams. Public office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 4pm-5pm. Private (1:1, drop-in) office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am-12pm. Temporary changes to these times will be announced on Piazza. Other times by appointment.

    1 For Prospective Students

    2 Assignments

    3 Handouts

    4 Logistics

    5 Marmoset

      5.1 Accessing Marmoset

      5.2 Submitting Assignments

    6 Resources