I find that I forget things a lot. I will often get obsessed with a topic and deep dive into it only
to forget what I had learned after some time has passed. Recently, I have taken to writing down these
learnings and my thoughts on it. While mostly for future reference, I figure others might benefit from it as well.
Books I have read
Recently, I read some place that Bill Gates reads 50 books a year.
That is incredible. I wonder where he gets the time. I thought to myself
that I should read more. I used to. But then grad school happened
and then kids happened and I stopped reading. During the pandemic,
I bought a Kobo (thank you to Dave Tompkins for making the task of choosing
an ereader a non-task) and started reading again. I will try to maintain
a list of the books I read and see how close to
Mr. Gates I can get. I am aiming for 10 a year.
Financial Planning and Investing
Here is my personal writings on Financial Planning.
Some books that I highly recommend:
- The Wealthy Barber: The Common Sense Guide to Successful Financial Planning, David Chilton.
In my opinion, the best book ever written for a layman to get their life's finances in order.
- Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School, Andrew Hallam
Also a great book on financial planning with a focus on investing. Spoiler alert: by diversidied index funds
and stop thinking that you can beat the index.