Refereed Conference Publications

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Ondrej Lhotak, Faster Aias Set Analysis Using Summaries
    In the Conference on Compiler Construction, CC 2011, Saarbrucken, Germany, March 2011
    Abstract    BibTeX

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Ondrej Lhotak, Jonathan Rodriguez Practical Extensions to the IFDS Algorithm
    In the Conference on Compiler Construction, CC 2010, Paphos, Cyprus, March 2010
    Abstract    BibTeX

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Ondrej Lhotak Efficient Alias Set Analysis Using SSA Form
    In the International Symposium On Memory Management, ISMM 2009, Dublin, Ireland, June 2009
    Abstract    BibTeX

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Ondrej Lhotak Typestate-like Analysis of Multiple Interacting Objects
    In the 23rd annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, OOPSLA 2008, Nashville, USA, October 2008
    Abstract    BibTeX

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Michael Batchelder, Laurie Hendren, Metrics for Measuring the Effectiveness of Decompilers and Obfuscators
    In 15th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, ICPC 2007, Banff, Canada, June 2007
    Abstract    BibTeX

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Laurie Hendren, Programmer-Friendly Decompiled Java,
    In 14th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, ICPC 2006, Athens, Greece, June 2006
    Abstract BibTeX

  1. Xueli Li, Nomair A. Naeem, Bettina Kemme, Fine-Granularity Access Control in 3-tier Laboratory Information Systems,
    In 9th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, IDEAS 2005, Montreal, Canada, July 2005
    Abstract    BibTeX

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Stephane Raymond, Anne Poupon, Miroslaw Cygler, Bettina Kemme,
    Exp-DB: Fast Development of Information Systems for Experiment Tracking,
    In 15th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering CAISE 2003, Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria, June 2003
    Abstract    BibTeX

Refereed Workshop Publications

  1. Eric Bodden, Laurie Hendren, Ondrej Lhotak, Nomair A. Naeem, Collaborative runtime verification with tracematches,
    In 7th workshop on Runtime Verification at the 6th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, RV 2007, Vancouver, Canada, March 2007
    Abstract    BibTeX


  1. Ph.D. Thesis, Naeem N. A., Verification of Temporal Properties Involving Multiple Interacting Objects, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 2013.

  1. M.Sc. Thesis, Naeem N. A., Programmer-Friendly Decompiled Java, School of Computer Science, McGill University, September 2006.

  1. B.Sc. Honors Report, Nomair N. A. Exp-DB: Fast Development of Experimental Information Systems, School of Computer Science, McGill University.

Technical Reports

  1. Nomair A. Naeem and Ondřej Lhoták, An Efficient Storeless Heap Abstraction Using SSA Form,
    Technical Report CS-2008-22, December 2008, D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
    Abstract    BibTeX (Published in ISMM 2009)

  1. Nomair A. Naeem and Ondřej Lhoták, Extending Typestate Analysis to Multiple Interacting Objects,
    Technical Report CS-2008-04, March 2008, D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
    Abstract    BibTeX (Published in OOPSLA 2008)

  1. Nomair A. Naeem and Ondřej Lhoták, Extending Typestate Analysis to Multiple Interacting Objects,
    Technical Report CS-2007-18, December 2007, D. R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
    Abstract    BibTeX (For an updated version see Technical Report CS-2008-04)

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, Micheal Batchelder and Laurie Hendren, Metrics for Measuring the Effectiveness of Decompilers and Obfuscators,
    Sable Technical Report No. 2006-04, June 2006, School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
    Abstract    BibTeX (Published in ICPC 2007)

  1. Nomair A. Naeem, and Laurie Hendren, Programmer Friendly Decompiled Java,
    Sable Technical Report No. 2006-02, March 2006, School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
    Abstract    BibTeX (Published in ICPC 2006)

Other Publications (posters, abstracts etc.)

  1. Nomair A. Naeem Validating Temporal Properties of Interacting Objects
    Companion of the 23rd annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, OOPSLA 2008, Nashville, USA, October 2008
    Abstract    BibTeX


(including some given as course or seminar presentations on work done by other researchers)

  1. Effective Typestate Verification in the Presence of Aliasing
    Authors: Stephen Fink, Eran Yahav, Nurit Dor, G. Ramalingam and Emmanuel Geay
    Course Presentation (ECE 750), University of Waterloo, November 2008

  1. Metrics for Measuring the Effectiveness of Decompilers and Obfuscators,
    Paper Presentation at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, ICPC 2007, Banff, Canada, June 2007
    Abstract     Slides

  2. AspectJ and Tracematches,
    Guest Lecture (CS-444), School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 13th March 2007           
    abstract     Slides

  1. Precise and Efficient Must-Alias Analysis,
    Programming Languages Group Seminar, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

        17th January 2007 and 31st January 2007

        abstract     Slides     Audio1     Audio2