On the Feasibility of Core-Rooted Path Addressing

Cong Guo and Martin Karsten

Addressing, routing, and forwarding in the Internet must form a coherent architecture that satisfies user and technical requirements, such as performance, robustness, and efficiency. This paper presents the Core-Rooted Path Addressing (CRPA) architecture, which is a novel combination of mostly known architectural components. CRPA is designed as a network layer for physical topologies and combines a generic rendezvous service with the path addressing principle. The benefits of CRPA include forwarding components that are completely independent of dynamic routing, as well as compact forwarding tables. The key challenge for such a design is the overall practicality of its addressing scheme. This paper investigates the characteristics of CRPA using Internet topology analysis and simulation, and the findings indicate that it is practicable. Forwarding table sizes are quite manageable, and the frequency and scope of dynamic updates are reduced. While actual deployment might be unrealistic in the current Internet ecosystem, its straightforward design can make CRPA a valuable benchmark for systematic reasoning about network architecture.

IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2016)


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