CS 453/698 - Software and Systems Security

Course website for CS 453/698 (F24 term)

About CS 453/698

This course provides an introduction to security issues in modern software, operating systems, and other computing platforms (e.g., mobile and cloud environments). It examines causes of security breaches and gives methods to help detect, isolate, and prevent them.

Students completing this course should be able to identify common attack vectors against modern computing environments and deploy state-of-the-practice detection and defense practices.

Course lectures are scheduled at 4pm - 5:20pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Please check Quest for the assigned classrooms for the lectures.

This course is run primarily through this course website and Piazza. While everyone can access the syllabus, weekly schedule, an overview of modules, and assignments from this website, enrolled students should use Piazza for discussion and private communications.

Lecture slides are subject to changes!

The course syllabus, including the grading scheme and course outline should be stable now while assignment details and slides for each individual lecture will be updated as the course progresses.

Latest Announcement


Aug 31 ยท 0 min read

Welcome to CS 453/698 in the F24 term!

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