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CS 860: Algorithmic Spectral Graph Theory

Lecture: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:00-12:20, DC 2568.
Instructor: Lap Chi Lau
Office hours: Mondays, 1-2, DC 1309.

This course begins with a review of classical results in spectral graph theory, followed by an exploration of several recent major developments, with a focus on algorithmic results.

The following is an ambitious tentative schedule, with about six lectures on classical results, and three lectures for each recent topic. For a more detailed overview with references, see Chapter 1 of the [course notes].

References: Notes will be provided. See my previous notes on CS 860 (2022) and CS 860 (2019) for related topics, but this is a major revision of the previous course. See also the project page for further references. Below are links to similar courses at other universities for further reference.