The goal of this course is to obtain an understanding of stereoscopic 3D and its role in film and computer graphics. We will look at steropsis, technology for viewing S3D content, conversion, disparity maps, content manipulation, and perception.
Assignments: There is an optional assignment, worth 10%, that can be completed to reduce the weight of the project by 10% (making the project worth 40%). Details regarding the option assignment will be posted to piazza.
Bonus: If your project is worthy of submission to a conference or journal with reasonable expectations of acceptance, then you will receive 100 in this course. I strongly encourage you to chase this bonus, and will be happy to assist you in finding appropriate projects.
Due to COVID-19, this course is being offered online only. As a result, we have had to make some logistical changes to how typical seminar courses are executed. Lectures, paper presentations and project presentations will all be offered as live-streams and recorded video. Participation will occur over piazza.
You will need the ability to record your paper and project presentations. I recommend using OBS, a free tool, to assist with the recordings. A brief tutorial can be provided, if necessary.
There are four major topic areas we will cover:
Please choose two papers to read and present from different areas. Record a 10 minute presentation of your selected paper(s) and upload the video to Youtube, or another video sharing website. Then, post the link to your video on our piazza forum so that others may watch. Presentations are due by the end of the topic area slot. You are expected to answer questions about the paper and your presentation through piazza. There is a signup sheet, posted on piazza, to ensure that paper presentations are not duplicated.
Please also choose eight papers to review, two from each area. Reviews should be short, no more than 500 words. Reviews will be submitted by email to: lanortha [@]
Please watch your fellow students presentations (both paper and project) and ask them questions through piazza. Additionally, choose 24 presentations, six from each area, and provide feedback. Feedback forms are available through piazza and can be submitted to me my email. Asking and answering questions as well as providing feedback will comprise your participation mark.
The complete list of papers can be downloaded here.. Access to the signup sheet, review and presentation form is posted on piazza.
The final project will be due in August. There will be several deliverables: a proposal, a final presentation video, and a paper along with any code/results that you may have produced.
All communication regarding course content, projects, etc., will happen through piazza.