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[stwh07] Malgorzata Steinder, Ian Whalley, David Carrera, and Ilona Gawedaand David M. Chess. Server virtualization in autonomic management of heterogeneous workloads. In Proc. IFIP/IEEE Int'l Symp. on Integrated Network Management (IM'07), pages 139-148, May 2007. [ bib | .pdf ]
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[zhwa05] Xiaoyun Zhu, Zhikui Wang, and S. Singhal. Utility-driven workload management using nested control design. Technical Report HPL-2005-193(R.1), HP Laboratories Palo Alto, March 2005. also appeared in Proc. American Control Conference, June 2006. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ]
[pase05] G. Pacifici, W. Segmuller, M. Spreitzer, M. Steinder, A. Tantawi, and A. Youssef. Managing the response time for multi-tiered web applications. Technical Report RC 23651, IBM, 2005. [ bib | .pdf ]
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[kami04] Abhinav Kamra, Vishal Misra, and Erich Nahum. Yaksha: A self-tuning controller for managing the performance of 3-tiered web sites. In International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), June 2004. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ]
[kewa04] Jeffrey O. Kephart and William E. Walsh. An artificial intelligence perspective on autonomic computing policies. In IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY'04), pages 3-12, June 2004. [ bib | .pdf ]
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Gatekeeper system tracks sliding average service time for each type of servlet in the application server. System also obtains an off-line estimate of system capacity, which is expressed as an offered service time load. To implement admission control, Gatekeeper tracks to the current load, which is the sum of the estimated service times of currently-running servlets. It blocks execution of new servlets if the execution would bring the current load above the system capacity. To obtain an off-line estimate of system capacity, system throughput is measured at various levels of offered load. Throughput as a function of offered load is assumed to have a single peak - the maximum offered load at which peak throughput occurs is taken to be the system capacity.
[coch04] Ira Cohen, Jeffrey S. Chase, Moisés Goldszmidt, Terence Kelly, and Julie Symons. Correlating instrumentation data to system states: A building block for automated diagnosis and control. In Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI'04), pages 231-244, 2004. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ]
[xili04] Bowei Xi, Zhen Liu, Mukund Raghavachari, Cathy H. Xia, and Li Zhang. A smart hill-climbing algorithm for application server configuration. In World Wide Web Conference (WWW'04), 2004. [ bib | .pdf ]
[chsh03] Abhishek Chandra and Prashant Shenoy. Effectiveness of dynamic resource allocation for handling internet flash crowds. Technical Report TR03-37, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, November 2003. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ]
[lish03] Xue Liu, Lui Sha, Yixin Diao, Steve Froehlich, Joseph L. Hellerstein, and Sujay Parekh. Online response time optimization of apache web server. In International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2003), 2003. [ bib | .ps ]
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Describes a system that implements N-tier admissions controls and n-tier multiprogramming level control. Uses hill climbing to search configuration space and a queueing model to predict performance of a target configuration. Single-tier queueing models are composed to build an N-tier model. Monitoring system measures QoS constraint compliance and resource utilizations to feed to the queueing model.