CS 848 (Winter 2010) Project Information
Three types of projects are acceptable for this course:
- Research Project:
Choose an open research problem in one of the general areas
covered by this course and work on it. Deliverables:
- Written report (10 pages maximum)
- A copy of any software developed as part of your research.
- In-class project presentation.
Your report should include an introduction to and motivation of the
research problem you have considered, a clear and concise discussion
of related work, and descriptions of your methodology and results.
- Experience/Implementation Project:
This class of project involves using cloud computing services.
For example, develop a useful cloud-based tool or service, or
perform an data analysis using cloud data services.
- Written report (10 pages maximum)
- Demo, if appropriate.
- In-class project presentation.
Your report should clearly describe the project's objective,
your methodology, and results.
- Survey Project:
Write a survey paper on a relevant topic. Surveys should be
comprehensive, well organized, and self-contained.
Although your source papers will probably use different
terminology and notation, your survey must be internally
consistent throughout. In addition, surveys must provide
significant added value above and beyond the source material.
For example, you might create a running example to clarify
the relationships and distinctions among your source papers.
Write in your own words and use proper attribution where
necessary. Do not
plagiarize your sources!
- The survey paper (20 pages maximum)
- In-class project presentation.
Project Schedule
- Feb 22
- Project proposals (2 page maximum) due.
- Mar 22/29
- Project presentations in class.
- Apr 16
- Project papers/reports due.
Project Proposals
Please limit your proposal to a maximum of two pages. Submit
your proposal, in PDF format, by e-mailing to the course
instructor before the start of class on the proposal due date.
The purpose of the proposal is to allow me to determine whether
you have chosen a suitable project. For research projects, your
proposal should describe the problem you plan to tackle and what
you plan to accomplish as part of the project. Ideally, you would
also report any key pieces of related work that you've been able
to identify. For a survey project, you should identify the topic
of the survey and outline its scope. You should also identify an
initial list (not necessarily complete) of the related papers from
which you plan to draw material for your survey.
For an experience project, you should identify the topic and what
you plan to accomplish in the project.
Project Reports and Survey Papers
Submit your report in PDF format. Use the two-column ACM
proceedings format for your report.
are available from the
Project marks will depend on the depth and novelty of the
ideas embodied in your project, on the quality of your
methodology, and on the quality of your written report and
in-class presentation.
Project Topics
I've created a page
that describes some project ideas. To access it, you'll
need the userid and password that I presented in class - the
same one that is used to access papers from my library.