CS 848 (Fall 2006) Project Information

Three types of projects are acceptable for this course:
Research Project:
Choose an open research problem in one of the general areas covered by this course and work on it. Deliverables: Your report should include an introduction to and motivation of the research problem you have considered, a clear and concise discussion of related work, and descriptions of your methodology and results.
Implementation Project:
Design, implement and demonstrate a useful and novel software tool related to the topics covered in this class. Deliverables: Your report should include an introduction to and motivation of the problem that your tool addresses, a clear and concise discussion of any related work, and a description of your tool's design (how it works). Your usage guide should explain how to build, configure and use the tool.
Survey Project:
Write a survey paper on a relevant topic. Surveys should be comprehensive, well organized, and self-contained. Although your source papers will probably use different terminology and notation, your survey must be internally consistent throughout. In addition, surveys must provide significant added value above and beyond the source material. For example, you might create a running example to clarify the relationships and distinctions among your source papers. Write in your own words and use proper attribution where necessary. Do not plagiarize your sources!

Project Schedule

16 October:
Project proposals (1 page) due.
29 November:
Project presentations in class.
13 December:
Project papers/reports due.

Project Reports and Survey Papers

Submit your report in PDF format. Use the two-column ACM proceedings format for your report. Templates are available from the ACM.


Project marks will depend on the depth and novelty of the ideas embodied in your project, on the quality of your methodology, and on the quality of your written report, in-class presentation, and software (if applicable).