Tricia's Running Page

In August 1995, my mother Heather was diagnosed with lung cancer. In February 1996, she passed away. We were involved in these fund-raising events even before that, but now they have infinitely more meaning.

We do the Terry Fox Run every year.
My brother, me and Jeff before the Terry Fox run (1997).
(27 kb JPG file)
And they're off!
(19 kb JPG file)

We also do the Run for the Cure every year.
Jeff and I after the Run for the Cure (1997).
(18 kb JPG file)
We ran in memory of loved ones.
Their names were written on our backs. (18 kb JPG file)

In 1998, I ran my first marathon...
the Okanagan International Marathon. (30 kb JPG file)

Tricia's Home Page