Medical Image Processing
Medical Image Processing
Welcome to the CS 473/673 web page. These online lessons and notes form the basis for the course, which was offered online for the first time in January 2013. The course is no longer being offered, but you can access most of the course content here.
The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of the computational and mathematical methods in medical image processing. The course covers the main sources of medical imaging data (CT, MRI, PET, and ultrasound). We will study many of the current methods used to enhance and extract useful information from medical images. A variety of radiological diagnostic scenarios will be used as examples to motivate the methods.
Students interested in medical imaging, as well as health and medicine, will find this course useful. The course has some crossover with other fields of image and signal processing, and students interested in remote sensing and computer graphics might also find this course helpful.