CS 846   Model-Based Software Engineering
Winter 2012

CS 846 Term Project 

Your project is worth 50% of your final grade.  There are two types of projects that can be carried out.

Research Project (individual)
Choose an open research problem in one of the general areas covered by this course and work on it.   Deliverables:
Your report should include an introduction to and motivation of the research problem you have considered, a clear and concise discussion of related work, and descriptions of your methodology and results. 

Experience Project (team of 1-2 students)
Perform a case study using current MBSE technologies (e.g., EMF/GMF, MPS, GME, Scala, Kermeta, IBM Rational, MetaEdit).  A candidate toy problem for this project is a bicycle computer, which can be extended with several different (but similar) analytical functions about the bicycle rider's trip (maximum speed, average speed, pace, etc.). Deliverables:
Your report should include an introduction to the MBSE technologies employed, a description of your customization of the tools (if any), a description of the case study performed, descriptions of your results, insights, and lessons learned. Your usage guide should explain how to build and configure the tools and how to run/repeat your case study.

Project Schedule
Feb 10: Project proposals (1 page) due
Apr 2:
Project presentations in class
Apr 9: Project papers/reports due
Report and Paper Format

Submit your report in PDF format. Use the two-column ACM proceedings format for your report. Templates are available from the ACM.


Project marks will depend on the depth and novelty of the ideas embodied in your project, on the quality of your methodology, and on the quality of your written report, in-class presentation, and software (if applicable).
Send questions or comments to jmatlee@uwaterloo.ca