Qid 2: What evidence is there for transport of [arms] from [any country] to [Columbian insurgents]?
2 1	vital	Weapons are flown from Jordan to Peru and air dropped over southern Columbia
2 2	okay	Jordan denied that it was involved in smuggling arms to Columbian guerrillas
2 3	vital	Jordan contends that a Peruvian general purchased the rifles and arranged to have them shipped to Columbia via the Amazon River.
2 4	okay	Peru claims there is no such general
2 5	vital	FARC receives arms shipments from various points including Ecuador and the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.
2 6	okay	Entry of arms to Columbia comes from different borders, not only Peru

Qid 3: What evidence is there for transport of [drugs] from [Bonaire] to [the United States]?
3 1	vital	Dutch Antilles Coast Guard is charged with stopping drug smugglers from South America.
3 2	vital	The islands are being used as a transshipment point for drugs for Europe and the United States.
3 3	vital	The Caribbean islands contribute about 24 million guilders (dlrs 14 million U.S.) a year to the Coast Guard, and the Netherlands contributes about half that amount.
3 4	okay	The new prime minister of the Netherlands Antilles, Suzy Camelia-Romer, said larger countries (United States, Britain, France and Holland) should do more to patrol Caribbean waters.
3 5	okay	The five islands of the Netherlands Antilles cannot afford the expense of an extensive coast guard.
3 6	okay	Need to spend scarce resources to control crime on land.
3 7	okay	The new prime minister, Camelia-Romer, pledged to increase spending for the Dutch Antilles Coast Guard.
3 8	okay	The Netherlands Antillean Coast Guard was established in 1996 with the cooperation of Aruba and the Netherlands.

Qid 5: What [finanical relationships] exist between [South American drug cartels] and [banks in Liechtenstein]?
5 1	vital	Summers identified Russia,Colombia and Nigeria as among the biggest sources of illicit money and the Caribbean islands of Dominica and Antigua, Nauru in the South Pacific and Liechtenstein in Europe as some of the money-laundering centers.
5 2	okay	Liechtenstein said it was being unfairly singled out for practices that are common elsewhere.
5 3	vital	US custom officials seized $100 million from 14 banks and dozens of individuals who were accused of laundering money for the Cali drug cartel in Colombia
5 4	vital	Spitzer, a special prosecutor,was asked to examine allegations that Columbia drug cartels, aScilian Mafia group and Russian criminal gangs were cleaning up sums by passing them through Liechtenstein's asset managers and 300 banks.
5 5	okay	Liechtenstein's bankers said they have formally approved the abolition of anonymous accounts to clamp down on money laundering
5 6	okay	Liechtenstein said it is not completely corrupt despite the arrests of many of its prominent citizens in a money laundering sweep

Qid 7: What [organizational ties] exist between [Columbian businessmen] and [paramilitary forces]?
7 1	vital	Commander of the national paramilitary umbrella organization claimed his group enjoys growing support from local and international businesses
7 2	vital	Columbia's Chief prosecutor said he had a list of businessmen who supported right-wing paramilitary squads and warned that financing outlawed groups is a criminal offense
7 3	okay	some landowners support AUC for protections services
7 4	vital	Rightist militias waging a dirty war against suspected leftists in Colombia enjoy growing support from private businessmen
7 5	okay	The AUC makes money by taxing Colombia's drug trade
7 6	okay	The ACU is estimated to have 6000 combatants and has links to government security forces.
7 7	okay	Many  ACU fighters are former government soldiers

Qid 8: What [organizational ties] exist between [Cuba] and [Angola]?
8 1	vital	Cubans in Angola are experts in health, education,catering, and trade
8 2	vital	Cuba recalled all its troops in 1991
8 3	okay	in 1975 they sent a host of troops to to fight in the civil war
8 4	okay	they signed cooperation agreements in March 2000
8 5	okay	will strengthen its relationship and cooperation
8 6	okay	in 1988 50,000 troops were in Angola
8 7	okay	Denies reports that they have sent troops to support Angola.
8 8	okay	Will cooperate with Angola in areas of political, economic and cultural  arenas.
8 9	okay	Has sent 43,200 civilians to Angola  9,200 are medical workers

Qid 9: What [organizational ties] exist between [the Cuban government] and [the Congolese government]?
9 1	vital	Kabila has recently travelled from Cuba to Southern Congo to Angola,  looking for friends to help hold off the rebels
9 2	okay	UN Ambassador said instability in Congo also has grown in rogue states such as Libya, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Sudan who want to use the region for weapon sales, terrorist  bases, and access to uranium and diamonds
9 3	vital	The outcome of both the Cuban and Angolan meetings was unclear, but the former intelligence officer said they were part of an effort by the president to find troops and arms and other supplies for the crippled military.
9 4	vital	One report indicates Kabala may have purchased a MIG fighter jet while in Cuba.
9 5	okay	Visit of Kabila had not been announced in Cuba

Qid 11: What is the position of [Argentina] with respect to [the Falkland Islands]?
11 1	vital	Britain refuses to discuss sovereignty
11 2	okay	talks on fish preservation
11 3	okay	oil exploration
11 4	okay	commercial travel
11 5	okay	land mine removal
11 6	okay	gas resources
11 7	vital	ban lifted on Argentine's visiting islands
11 8	okay	creation of new advisory council in Falklands
11 9	vital	Argentina rejects self determination of Islands

Qid 15: What influence/effect do(es) [pressure from China] have on/in [America's willingness to sell high-tech weaponry to Taiwan]?
15 1	okay	Taiwan's request for weapons includes four Arleigh Burke class warships.
15 2	vital	Taiwan's request for weapons includes Aegis radar systems.
15 3	vital	China has said it would be compelled to react harshly if Taiwan acquires Aegis warships.
15 4	vital	Washington decides to withhold Aegis.
15 5	okay	The U.S. Navy will sell Taiwan four 30-year-old Knox-class missile frigates.
15 6	okay	The administration's decides to bar the sale of submarines and anti-submarine warfare aircraft to Taiwan.
15 7	okay	The administration intends to sell Taiwan sophisticated early warning radar aircraft, including E-2T Hawkeyes.
15 8	vital	Continued U.S arms sales to Taiwan is an infringement upon China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
15 9	vital	The F-16 sale, the last major American arms sale to Taiwan.
15 10	okay	President Bush decided to sell Taiwan 150 advanced F-16 fighter aircraft after it became clear that China had bought advanced Sukhoi-27 fighters from Russia.
15 11	okay	AIM-120C Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile will not be delivered to Taiwan unless China threatens an attack.

Qid 16: What [common interests] exist between [Israel] and [India]?
16 1	okay	Kashmir terrorism
16 2	vital	increased arms sales
16 3	okay	geopolitical similarity
16 4	vital	intelligence sharing
16 5	vital	official visits
16 6	okay	technology exchange

Qid 17: What [organizational ties] exist between [Israel] and [China]?
17 1	vital	Israel is China's number 2 supplier of military weaponry.
17 2	okay	By far, its biggest arms supplier has been Russia.
17 3	vital	Billions of dollars in weapon sales have taken place between two countries in recent years.
17 4	okay	Israel has provided China with a range of weapons, including electronic components for tanks, communications and optical equipment, aircraft and missiles.
17 5	okay	The sale of military technology to China will secure Beijing's agreement not to sell specific weapons to Israel's enemies in the Middle East.
17 6	vital	Israel plans to sell a sophisticated, $250 million airborne radar system to China.
17 7	okay	The potentially billion-dollar order for at least four AWACS-type planes would be Israel's largest sale to China yet.
17 8	okay	The deal involves fitting the radar onto a Russian built aircraft, implying close coordination between Israel and China.
17 9	okay	At the start of the Camp David meeting, Barak canceled a planned sale of a sophisticated radar system, known as Phalcon, to China.
17 10	vital	U.S. asking if Israel is exporting U.S. military technology to China.
17 11	okay	U.S. is worried that Israeli transfers could shift the balance in a military conflict with China.
17 12	okay	Question raised as to whether Israel transferred sensitive laser technology developed in conjunction with the U.S. (Nautilus).
17 13	okay	Chinese official denies the existence of arms transactions between the two countries.
17 14	vital	Israel has been supplying China with military arms since the 1980s.
17 15	vital	Israel aided the ongoing development of China's F-10 fighter jet.
17 16	okay	China's F-10 fighter jet is expected to carry a version of Israel's Pitun missile.

Qid 18: Is there evidence to support the involvement of [Israel] in [India's nuclear program]?
18 1	vital	Abdul Kalam Visit
18 2	vital	test apparatus
18 3	okay	Official Denials
18 4	okay	Amon Sharak visit Canx
18 5	vital	secret ties
18 6	vital	Tiki Banjeri Visit
18 7	vital	Lal Krishna Advani Visit
18 8	okay	cooperation agreements

Qid 19: What influence/effect do(es) [Hafez Assad's younger brother, Rifaat] have on/in [Syria]?
19 1	vital	Rifaat not influential with ruling Baath party.
19 2	vital	Rifaat not influential with Syrian Parliament.
19 3	vital	Rifaat not influential with Syrian military.
19 4	vital	Rifaat not influential with other Arab countries.
19 5	vital	Rifaat has no constitutional claim to anything.
19 6	okay	Rifaat was dismissed from his vice presidential post.
19 7	okay	Rifaat has been emigre since 1994.
19 8	okay	Rifaat's private harbor at Latakia has been shut down.
19 9	okay	Rifaat will be arrested if he returns to Syria.

Qid 20: What [organizational ties] exist between [the South Lebanon Army] and [previous militias in Lebanon]?
20 1	vital	Guardians Of Cedars
20 2	okay	Army of Free Lebanon

Qid 23: Is there evidence to support the involvement of [South American countries] in [nuclear proliferation]?
23 1	vital	Mercosur members
23 2	okay	Argentina
23 3	okay	Paraguay
23 4	okay	Uruguay
23 5	okay	Chile
23 6	okay	Peru
23 7	vital	Brazil
23 8	okay	Bolivia

Qid 24: What evidence is there for transport of [narcotics] from [South America] to [other parts of the world]?
24 1	vital	Colombian drug cartels was detected by US DEA agents when they left San Andres with hugh shipments of drugs
24 2	vital	Drug was seized near the Carmamilla Island in the north of the SanAndres and Providencia archipelago
24 3	vital	His base operations was believed to be the island of San Andres.
24 4	okay	He was the owner of the upmarket Sunrise Beach Hotel
24 5	okay	600 kilograms of the drug were still floating of the coast of Nicaragua's Corn Island
24 6	okay	Cardenas, one of the last big Columbian drug trafficker was captured in Rio Negro
24 7	okay	detainee dealt with drug cartels in Barranquilla, Cartagena, San Andres, Maicao and Cucuta.

Qid 25: What influence/effect do(es) [Fidel Castro's brother] have on/in [Cuba]?
25 1	vital	Raul Castro was formally designated his brother's successor
25 2	vital	Raul is the head of the Armed Forces
25 3	okay	Raul is five years younger than Castro
25 4	okay	Raul has enjoyed a more public role in running Cuba's Government.
25 5	okay	Raul is the number two man in the government's ruling Council of State