
Relationship questions from TREC 2005 mapped into the topic format for
the TREC 2006 ciQA task.  Old topic numbers are preserved.


<topic num="2">
<template id="1">What evidence is there for transport of [arms] from [any country] to [Colombian insurgents]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is concerned with arms trafficking to Colombian insurgents.  Specifically, the analyst would like to know of the different routes used for arms entering Colombia and the entities involved.</narrative>

<topic num="3">
<template id="1">What evidence is there for transport of [drugs] from [Bonaire] to [the United States]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst would like to know of efforts made to discourage narco traffickers from using Bonaire as a transit point for drugs to the United States.  Specifically, the analyst would like to know of any efforts by local authorities as well as the international community.</narrative>

<topic num="5">
<template id="2">What [finanical relationships] exist between [South American drug cartels] and [banks in Liechtenstein]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is interested in the South American drug cartel's ability to launder money.  Specifically, the analyst would like information on ties between the cartels and banks in Liechtenstein.</narrative>

<topic num="7">
<template id="2">What [organizational ties] exist between [Colombian businessmen] and [paramilitary forces]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is looking for links between Colombian businessmen and paramilitary forces.  Specifically, the analyst would like to know of evidence that business interests in Colombia are still funding the AUC paramilitary organization.</narrative>

<topic num="8">
<template id="2">What [organizational ties] exist between [Cuba] and [Angola]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is interested in Cuba's modern role in Angola.  Despite the end of combat support, is Cuba still a significant presence in Angola?</narrative>

<topic num="9">
<template id="2">What [organizational ties] exist between [the Cuban government] and [the Congolese government]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is concerned with a possible relationship between the Cuban and Congolese governments.  Specifically, the analyst would like to know of any attempts by these governments to form trade or military alliances.</narrative>

<topic num="11">
<template id="4">What is the position of [Argentina] with respect to [the Falkland Islands]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is interested in Argentina's intentions in the Falkland Islands.  Specifically, the analyst wants to know of any ongoing or planned talks between Argentina and Great Britain over the island's future.</narrative>

<topic num="15">
<template id="3">What influence/effect do(es) [pressure from China] have on/in [America's willingness to sell high-tech weaponry to Taiwan]?</template>
<narrative>Has pressure from China affected America's willingness to sell high-tech weaponry to Taiwan?</narrative>

<topic num="16">
<template id="2">What [common interests] exist between [Israel] and [India]?</template>
<narrative>Do the military personnel exchanges between Israel and India show an increase in cooperation?  If so, what are the driving factors behind this increase?</narrative>

<topic num="17">
<template id="2">What [organizational ties] exist between [Israel] and [China]?</template>
<narrative>Are Israel's military ties to China increasing?</narrative>

<topic num="18">
<template id="5">Is there evidence to support the involvement of [Israel] in [India's nuclear program]?</template>
<narrative>Is there evidence that Israel helped support or gave any assistance to India's nuclear program?</narrative>

<topic num="19">
<template id="3">What influence/effect do(es) [Hafez Assad's younger brother, Rifaat] have on/in [Syria]?</template>
<narrative>What influence does Hafez Assad's younger brother, Rifaat, have in Syria?</narrative>

<topic num="20">
<template id="2">What [organizational ties] exist between [the South Lebanon Army] and [previous militias in Lebanon]?</template>
<narrative>What relationship did the South Lebanon Army have with previous militias in Lebanon?</narrative>

<topic num="23">
<template id="5">Is there evidence to support the involvement of [South American countries] in [nuclear proliferation]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is interested in knowing which South American countries are involved in nuclear proliferation.  Specifically, the analyst would like to know which countries are best situated to possibly acquire nuclear capability.</narrative>

<topic num="24">
<template id="1">What evidence is there for transport of [narcotics] from [South America] to [other parts of the world]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is concerned with South American exit points for narcotics.  Specifically, the analyst seeks evidence that smugglers use the island of San Andres for such a purpose.</narrative>

<topic num="25">
<template id="3">What influence/effect do(es) [Fidel Castro's brother] have on/in [Cuba]?</template>
<narrative>The analyst is interested in the status of Fidel Castro's brother.  Specifically, the analyst would like information on his current plans and what role he may play after Fidel Castro's death.</narrative>
