Welcome to CS793! This is a snapshot of the CS793 wiki, which you will get access to once we start the class. In the meantime, you can see the course structure etc below. If you are going to take the class, and want access to the wiki before we start, email me jhoey AT uwaterloo.ca See the wiki for CS793 in Winter 2012 here
(these texts are for reference in the course)
(parts are avaialable online [2])
The course is structured around a set of topics in health informatics. The topics are a developing set (so new topics can be added, old topics can be split, merged, etc). Each topic will have a group of students responsible for finding and reading relevant literature on the topic, holding discussions about specific key papers, and presenting the topic to the class.
Each week, we will have
Students will be organised into groups, and each group will be responsible for a topic. Students are encouraged to switch topics/groups throughout the term, but the groups must remain fairly evenly populated with about 5 students/group. Each group has a lead student for each week, whose responsibilities are to
Each student must act as lead of their group for two of the 11 weeks of the term. The groups meet once per week for at least a 1-hour meeting (first meetings on Jan 11, 2011), and must submit to the instructor, by Thursday afternoon at 5pm:
The instructor will then review all the critiques and wiki topic pages, and select one for in-class presentation the following week. The selected group will be informed by Friday 5pm. If selected, the group must present the work on their topic and lead a discussion in class. The presentation must include the background material. The lead student of each group (including the one selected for in-class discussion) then prepares a final paper critique for evaluation, and does a final update on the wiki page. Note that students have an incentive to prepare a high quality draft critique, because if selected, the in-class discussion can help them prepare a high quality final critique.
Note that the wiki updates are assessed for the entire group each week, while the critique is assessed for the lead student only, and should be that student’s work alone (although the discussions will help the lead student to formulate the critique) - see next section on academic integrity.
Copyright © 2005–2011 the Main wiki and its authors
Page last modified on December 24, 2011, at 09:01 AM