
Following are references related to EPA or ACT. Recently added references are at the top.

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Topic Year Author(s) Title Publication, Vol., Pages On-line
Social Structure 2016 Ambrasat, Jens, Christian von Scheve, Gesche Schauenburg, Markus Conrad, and Tobias Schröder Unpacking the Habitus: Meaning Making Across Lifestyles Sociological Forum. doi: 10.1111/socf.12293
Business 2016 Shank, Daniel B. and Rohan Lulham Symbolic Interaction with Consumer Products: An Affect Control Theory Approach Sociology Compass, 10: 613-622. doi: 10.1111/soc4.12381
Identities 2016 Schröder, Tobias, Jesse Hoey, and Kimberly B. Rogers Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory American Sociological Review
Affective Meaning 2016 Mukherjee, Shibashis, and David R. Heise Affective meanings of 1,469 Bengali concepts Behavior Research Methods, DOI 10.3758/s13428-016-0704
Business 2016 Shank, Daniel B. and Rohan Lulham Products as Affective Modifiers of Identities Sociological Perspectives. DOI: 10.1177/0731121416629996
Theory, Math 2016 Hoey, Jesse, Tobias Schröder, and Areej Alhothali Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process Artificial Intelligence 230: 134-172
Theory, Math 2015 Heise, D. R., Neil J. MacKinnon, and Wolfgang Scholl Identities, roles, and social institutions: An affect control account of social order Order on the Edge of Chaos. E. J. Lawler, S. R. Thye, and J. Yoon (eds). 165-188. Cambridge
Self 2015 MacKinnon, Neil J. Self-Esteem and Beyond Palgrave-Macmillan
Impression formation 2015 Heise, D. R. Determinants of normative processes: Comparison of two empirical methods of specification Quality & Quantity, 49, 2559-2576 PDF
Values 2015 Lulham, Rohan, Clementine Thurgood, and Daniel B. Shank An affective tool to assist in designing innovations International Association of Societies of Design Research HTML
Affective Meaning 2014 Ambrasat, Jens, Christian von Scheve, Markus Conrad, Gesche Schauenburg, and Tobias Schröder Consensus and stratification in the affective meaning of human sociality Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (22) 8001–8006 HTML
Overview 2014 MacKinnon, Neil J., and Dawn R. Robinson Back to the Future: 25 Years of Research in Affect Control Theory Advances in Group Processes 31: 139-173
Affective Meaning 2014 Schmidtke, David S., Tobias Schröder, Arthur M. Jacobs, Markus Conrad ANGST: Affective norms for German sentiment terms, derived from the affective norms for English words Behavior Research Methods, 46:1108-1118
Emotions 2010 Schneider, Andreas, William L. Gardner, Amanda Hinojosa, and Alejandra Marin. Leadership as a Self-fulfilling Prophecy of Followership: Emotional Responses of Leaders to Subordinates Leadership 10: 391-411 HTML
Language 1982 Anderson, C. W., and G. E. McMaster Computer assisted modeling of affective tone in written documents Computers and the Humanities 16: 1-9
Impression Formation 2008 Anderson, Norman H. Unified Social Cognition Psychology Press
Impression Formation 1987 Averett, C. P., and D. R. Heise Modified social identities: Amalgamations, Attributions, and Emotions Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 103-132 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988)
Politics 1981 Azar, Edward E., and Steven J. Lerner The use of semantic dimensions in the scaling of international events International Interactions 7: 361-378
Groups 1999 Bales, Robert Freed Social Interaction Systems: Theory and Measurement Transaction Books
Politics 1998 Berbrier, Mitch. 'Half the Battle': Cultural Resonance, Framing Processes, and Ethnic Affectations in Contemporary White Separatist Rhetoric Social Problems 45:431-450
Language 1990 Besnier, Niko Language and affect Annual Review of Anthropology 19: 419-151
Affective Meaning1999Bradley, M. M., and P. J. LangAffective norms for English words (ANEW): Stimuli, instruction manual and affective ratingsTechnical report C-1, Gainesville, FL. The Center for Research in Psychophysiology, University of Florida.
Social Change 2000 Britt, Lory, and D. Heise From Shame to Pride in Identity Politics Self, Identity, and Social Movements. Sheldon Stryker, Timothy Owens, and Robert White (eds). Chapter 12. University of Minnesota Press HTML
Impression Formation 1992 Britt, Lory, and D. R. Heise Impressions of self-directed action Social Psychology Quarterly 55: 335-350 HTML
Affective Meaning1980Chapman, R. M., J. W. McCrary, J. A. Chapman, and J. K. MartinBehavioral and neural analyses of connotative meaning: Word classes and rating scalesBrain and Language 11: 319-339
Affective Meaning 1987 Clore, G. L., A. Ortony, and M. A. Foss The psychological structure of the affective lexicon Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 53: 751-766
Overview 2007 Clore, Gerald L., and Jesse Pappas The affective regulation of social interaction Social Psychology Quarterly 70: 333-339
Affective Meaning 1993 Demerath, Loren Knowledge-based affect: Cognitive origins of 'good' and 'bad' Social Psychology Quarterly, 56: 136-147
Development 1966 Di Vesta, Francis J. A developmental study of the semantic structure of children Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 5: 249-259
Development 1966 Di Vesta, Francis J. A normative study of 220 concepts rated on the semantic differential by children in grades 2 through 7 Journal of Genetic Psychology 109: 205-229
Affective Meaning 1966 DiVesta, Francis J., and Walter Dick The test-retest reliability of children's ratings on the semantic differential Educational and Psychological Measurement, 26: 605-616
Imagery 2006 Doyle, John R., and Paul A. Bottomley Dressed for the occasion: Font-product congruity in the perception of logotype Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16: 112-123
Language 2002 Dunphy, Tara, and Neil J. MacKinnon A Proposal for Integrating Folklore and Affect Control Theory Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 HTML
Imagery 1963 Elliott, Lois L., and P. H. Tannenbaum Factor structure of semantic differential responses to visual forms and prediction of factor-scores from structural characteristics of the stimulus-shapes American Journal of Psychology 76: 589-597
Experiments 2013 Fennell, John G., & Baddeley, Roland J. Reward Is Assessed in Three Dimensions That Correspond to the Semantic Differential PLoS ONE, 8(2), e55588. doi: 101371/journalpone0055588. HTML
Emotions 2007 Fontaine, Johnny R.J., Klaus R. Scherer, Etienne B. Roesch, and Phoebe C. Ellsworth The world of emotions is not two-dimensional Psychological Science 18: 1050-1057
Overview 2006 Francis, Clare Anne Introduction to affect control theory Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds). 139-161. Palgrave-Macmillan
Occupations, Work 2006 Francis, Clare Anne, and David R. Heise Emotions on the job: Supporting and threatening face in work organizations Social Structure and Emotion Conference, April 6-9, 2006, Athens, GA
Emotions 1997 Francis, Linda Emotion, coping, and therapeutic ideologies Social Perspectives on Emotion 4:71-101
Groups 1997 Francis, Linda Ideology and interpersonal emotion management: Redefining identity in two support groups Social Psychology Quarterly 60:153-171
Social Change 2003 Friedkin, Noah E. and Eugene C. Johnsen Attitude change, affect control, and expectations states in the formation of influence networks Advances in Group Processes 20: 1-29
Impression Formation 1968 Gollob, Harry F. Impression formation and word combination in sentences Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 10: 341-53
Impression Formation 1974 Gollob, Harry F. A subject-verb-object approach to social cognition Psychological Review 81:286-321
Impression Formation 1973 Gollob, Harry F., and B. B. Rossman Judgments of an actor's 'Power and ability to influence others Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 9:391-406
Impression Formation 1973 Gollob, Harry F., and Gregory W. Fischer Some relationships between social inference, cognitive balance, and change in impression Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 26: 16-22
Deviance 1963 Gordon, Robert A., James F. Short, Jr, Desmond S. Cartwright, and Fred L. Strodtbeck Values and gang delinquency: A study of street corner groups American Journal of Sociology 69: 109-128
Affective Meaning 1965 Heise, D. R. Semantic Differential Profiles for 1,000 Most Frequent English Words Psychological Monographs 79: No 8 (Whole No 601)
Social Structure 1966 Heise, D. R. Social status, attitudes, and word connotations Sociological Inquiry, 36: 227-39
Affective Meaning 1969 Heise, D. R. Some methodological issues in semantic differential research Psychological Bulletin 72:406-22 PDF
Affective Meaning 1970 Heise, D. R. The semantic differential and attitude research Attitude Measurement. G. Summers (ed). 235-53. Rand McNally HTML
Affective Meaning 1982 Heise, D. R. Measuring attitudes with a PET BYTE: The Small Systems Journal 7: No 7, 208-246
Affective Meaning 2010 Heise, D. R. Surveying Cultures: Discovering Shared Conceptions and Sentiments Wiley Interscience
Affective Meaning 2001 Heise, D. R. Project Magellan: Collecting Cross-cultural Affective Meanings Via The Internet Electronic Journal of Sociology: 5 (3) HTML
Impression Formation 1969 Heise, D. R. Affective dynamics in simple sentences Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 11: 204-13
Impression Formation 1970 Heise, D. R. Potency dynamics in simple sentences Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 16:48-54
Impression Formation 1991 Heise, D. R. OLS Equation Estimations for Interact Indiana University PDF
Overview 1977 Heise, D. R. Social action as the control of affect Behavioral Science 22: 163-177
Theory, Math 1979 Heise, D. R. Understanding Events: Affect and the Construction of Social Action Cambridge University Press
Theory, Math 1985 Heise, D. R. Affect control theory: Respecification, estimation, and tests of the formal model Journal of Mathematical Sociology 11: 191-222
Overview 1986 Heise, D. R. Modeling symbolic interaction Approaches to Social Theory. S. Lindenberg, J. S. Coleman, and S. Nowak (eds). 291-309. Russell Sage Foundation. PDF
Theory, Math 1987 Heise, D. R. Affect control theory: Concepts and model Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 1-33 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988)
Impression Formation 1989 Heise, D. R. Effects of emotion displays on social identification Social Psychology Quarterly 52: 10-21 HTML
Impression Formation 1990 Heise, D. R. Affect control model technical appendix Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions. T. D. Kemper (Ed), Chapter 10. State University of New York Press
Overview 1999 Heise, D. R. Controlling Affective Experience Interpersonally Social Psychology Quarterly 62 (1999): 4-16 HTML
Overview 2000 Heise, D. R. Thinking sociologically with mathematics Sociological Theory, 18: 498-504 HTML
Overview 2002 Heise, D. R. Understanding social interaction with Affect Control Theory New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory. Joseph Berger and Morris Zelditch (Eds). 17-40. Rowman and Littlefield HTML
Theory, Math 2007 Heise, D. R. Expressive Order: Confirming Sentiments in Social Actions Springer PDF
Simulations 1978 Heise, D. R. Computer-Assisted Analysis of Social Action: Use of Program INTERACT and SURVEY.UNC75 Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Chapel Hill, NC
Imagery 1982 Heise, D. R. Face synthesizer Micro: The 6502/6809 Journal, No 49, pp 31-37 HTML
Simulations 2004 Heise, D. R. Enculturating agents with expressive role behavior Agent Culture: Human-Agent Interaction in a Multicultural World. Sabine Payr and Robert Trappl (Eds). 127-142. Lawrence Erlbaum PDF
Emotions 1998 Heise, D. R. Conditions for Empathic Solidarity The Problem of Solidarity: Theories and Models. Patrick Doreian and Thomas Fararo (eds). 197-211. Gordon and Breach) HTML
Development 1985 Heise, D. R. Facial expression of emotion as a means of socialization Electronic Social Psychology, 1 (1) HTML
Development 1987 Heise, D. R. Sociocultural determination of mental aging Cognitive Functioning and Social Structure Over the Life Course. C. Schooler and K. W. Schaie (Eds). 247-261. Norwood, NJ: Ablex
Affective Meaning 1966 Heise, D. R. Sensitization of verbal response-dispositions by n Affiliation and n Achievement Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5: 522-25
Language 1966 Heise, D. R. Sound-meaning correlations among 1,000 English words Language and Speech, 9: 14-27
Affective Meaning 2014 Heise, D. R. Cultural variations in sentiments. SpringerPlus 2014, 3:170 HTML
Groups 2013 Heise, D. R. Modeling interactions in small groups Social Psychology Quarterly 76 (2013): 52-72
Emotions 1999 Heise, D. R., and Brian Weir A test of symbolic interactionist predictions about emotions in imagined situations Symbolic Interaction, 22 (1999): 129-161 HTML
Emotions 1995 Heise, D. R., and Cassandra Calhan Emotion norms in interpersonal events Social Psychology Quarterly, 58: 223-240 HTML
Simulations 1988 Heise, D. R., and Elsa Lewis Programs Interact and Attitude: Software and Documentation Wm C. Brown Publishers
Emotions 1993 Heise, D. R., and John O'Brien Emotion expression in groups The Handbook of Emotions. Michael Lewis and Jeannette M. Haviland (Eds). 489-497. Guilford Press
Impression Formation 1989 Heise, D. R., and Lisa Thomas Predicting impressions created by combinations of emotion and social identity Social Psychology Quarterly 52: 141-148
Impression Formation 1981 Heise, D. R., and Lynn Smith-Lovin Impressions of goodness, powerfulness and liveliness from discerned social events Social Psychology Quarterly 44: 93-106
Impression Formation 1987 Heise, D. R., and Neil J. MacKinnon Affective bases of likelihood judgments Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 133-151 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988)
Impression Formation 2000 Heise, David R. Affect control theory and impression formation Encyclopedia of Sociology. Edgar F. Borgatta and Rhonda J. Montgomery (eds). 41-47. Macmillan Reference
Self 1990 Heise, David R. Careers, career trajectories, and the self Self-Directedness: Cause and Effects Throughout the Life Course. J. Rodin, C. Schooler, and K. W. Schaie (eds). 59-84. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Politics 2006 Heise, David R. Sentiment formation in social interaction Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, edited by Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds). 189-211. Palgrave-Macmillan
Politics 2006 Heise, David R., and Steven Jay Lerner Affect control in international relations Social Forces 85: 993-1010
Theory, Math 2013 Hoey, Jesse, Tobias Schröder, Areej Alhothali Bayesian affect control theory 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII: 166-172 HTML
Gender 1987 Holland, Dorothy Culture sharing across gender lines: An interactionist corrective to the status-centered model American Behavioral Scientist 31:234-249
Deviance 2010 Hunt, Pamela Are You Kynd? Conformity and Deviance Within the Jamband Subculture Deviant Behavior 31:521-551
Sub-Cultures 2008 Hunt, Pamela M. From Festies to Tourrats: Examining the Relationship between Jamband Subculture Involvement and Role Meanings Social Psychology Quarterly 71:356-78
Politics 2003 Irwin, Kyle Political Interaction and Affective Meaning M.A. Thesis. Department of Sociology, University of Missouri- St Louis
Deviance 2002 Kalkhoff, Will Delinquency and Violence as Affect-Control: Reviving the Subcultural Approach in Criminology Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 HTML
Social Structure 1990 Kemper, T. David, and Randall Collins Dimensions of microinteraction American Journal of Sociology 96: 32-68
Technology 2001 King, Adam B. Affective dimensions of internet culture Social Science Computer Review 19: 414-430
Technology 2008 King, Adam B. Finding online subcultures in shared meanings Social Science Computer Review 26: 137-151
Social Structure 1972 Kirby, D. M. and R. C. Gardner Ethnic stereotypes: norms on 208 words typically used in their assessment Canadian Journal of Psychology 26:140-154
Gender 2002 Kroska, Amy Does gender ideology matter? Examining the relationship between gender ideology and self- and partner-meanings Social Psychology Quarterly 65:248-65
Gender 2003 Kroska, Amy Investigating gender differences in the meaning of household chores and child care Journal of Marriage and Family 65:456\u2013473
Gender 1997 Kroska, Amy The division of labor in the home: A review and reconceptualization Social Psychology Quarterly 60: 304-322
Gender 2001 Kroska, Amy Do we have consensus? Examining the relationship between gender ideology and role meanings Social Psychology Quarterly 64: 18-40
Deviance 2006 Kroska, Amy, and Sarah K. Harkness Stigma sentiments and self-meanings: Exploring the modified labeling theory of mental illness Social Psychology Quarterly, 69: 325-348
Deviance 2008 Kroska, Amy, and Sarah K. Harkness Exploring the role of diagnosis in the modified labeling theory of mental illness Social Psychology Quarterly 71(2):193-208
Deviance 2011 Kroska, Amy, and Sarah K. Harkness Coping with the stigma of mental illness: Empirically-grounded hypotheses from computer simulations Social Forces 89(4) 1315-1340
Social Structure 1976 Landis, D., P. McGrew, H. Day, J. Savage, and T. Saral Word meanings in Black and White Variations in Black and White Perceptions of the Social Environment. H. C. Triandis (ed). 45-80. University of Illinois Press
Gender 2000 Langford, Tom, and Neil J. MacKinnon The affective basis for the gendering of traits: Comparing the United States and Canada Social Psychology Quarterly 63: 34-48
Affective Meaning 1973 Lawson, Edwin D. Men's first names, nicknames, and short names: A semantic differential analysis Names 21:22-27
Affective Meaning 1986 Lawson, Edwin D., and Lynn M. Roeder Women's full names, short names and affectionate names: A semantic differential analysis Names 34:175-84
Sub-Cultures 2002 Lee, BongKoo, and C. Scott Shafer The dynamic nature of leisure experience: An application of affect control theory Journal of Leisure Research 34: 290-310
Technology 1998 Lee, James Daniel Which kids can 'become' scientists? Effects of gender, self-concepts, and perceptions of scientists Social Psychology Quarterly 61:199-219
Politics 1983 Lerner, Steven Jay Affective Dynamics of International Relations PhD. Dissertation University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Health 2011 Lively, Kathryn J. and Carrie L. Smith Identity and illness Handbook of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Healing. B. A. Pescosolido, J. K. Martin, J. D. McLeod, and A. Rogers (eds). New York: Springer
Emotions 2006 Lively, Kathryn J., and Brian Powell Emotional expression at work and at home: Domain, status, or individual characteristics? Social Psychology Quarterly 69: 17-38
Emotions 2004 Lively, Kathryn J., and D. Heise Sociological realms of emotional experience American Journal of Sociology, 109: 1109-36
Emotions 2014 Lively, Kathryn J., and D. R. Heise Emotions in Affect Control Theory Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions, vol. 2. J. E. Stets and J. H. Turner (eds). Springer PDF
Gender 2010 Lively, Kathryn J., Lala Steelman, and Brian Powell Equity, Emotion, and the Household Division of Labor Social Psychology Quarterly 73: 358-379
Social Structure 2005 Lovaglia, Michael, Reef Youngreen, and Dawn T. Robinson Identity maintenance, affect control, and cognitive performance Advances in Group Processes 22:65-92
Theory, Math 2010 MacKinnon, N. J. and D. R. Heise Self, Identity, and Social Institutions Palgrave-Macmillan
Impression Formation 1985 MacKinnon, Neil J. Final Reports to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada on Projects 410-81-0089, 410-86-0794 (1988), and 410-94-0087 (1998) Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Guelph, Canada
Theory, Math 1994 MacKinnon, Neil J. Symbolic Interactionism as Affect Control State University of New York Press
Imagery 2003 MacKinnon, Neil J. Keynote address--Symbolic interaction and knowledge presentation: From cognitive to affective models Preparing for the Future of Knowledge Presentation. Chicago, IL: International Institute for Information Design, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology HTML
Social Change 2002 MacKinnon, Neil J., and Alison Luke Changes in identity attitudes as reflections of social and cultural change Canadian Journal of Sociology, 27: 299-338
Overview 1993 MacKinnon, Neil J., and D. R. Heise Affect Control Theory: Delineation and Development Theoretical Research Programs: Studies in the Growth of Theory. Joseph Berger and Morris Zelditch, Jr (eds). Stanford University Press
Social Structure 2000 MacKinnon, Neil J., and Jeffrey W. Bowlby The Affective Dynamics of Stereotyping and Intergroup Relations Advances in Group Processes 17:37-76
Politics 2000 MacKinnon, Neil J., and Jeffrey W. Bowlby The affective dynamics of stereotyping and intergroup relations Advances in Group Processes, 17: 37-76
Emotions 1989 MacKinnon, Neil J., and Leo Keating The structure of emotion: A review of the problem and a cross-cultural analysis Social Psychology Quarterly 52: 70-83
Emotions 2006 MacKinnon, Neil J., and Michelle M. Goulbourne The affect control theory of emotions: The case of depression Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds). 237-266. Palgrave-Macmillan
Social Structure 1994 MacKinnon, Neil J., and Tom Langford The meaning of occupational prestige scores: A social psychological analysis and interpretation The Sociological Quarterly 35:215-245
Social Structure 2004 Malone, Martin J. Structure and affect: The influence of social structure on affective meaning in American kinship Social Psychology Quarterly, 67: 203-216
Development 1963 Maltz, Howard E. Ontogenetic change in the meaning of concepts as measured by the semantic differential Child Development 34:667-674
Deviance 1965 Marks, I. M. Patterns of Meaning in Psychiatric Patients' Semantic Differential Responses in Obsessives and Psychopaths Oxford University Press
Deviance 1966 Marks, I. M. Semantic differential uses in psychiatric patients: A study of obsessive, psychopath, and control inpatients British Journal of Psychiatry 112: 945-951
Occupations, Work 2006 Moore, Christopher D., and Dawn T. Robinson Selective identity preferences: Choosing from among alternative occupational identities Advances in Group Processes 23:253-281
Emotions 1988 Morgan, R., and D. R. Heise Structure of Emotions Social Psychology Quarterly 51: 19-31 PDF
Deviance 2006 Nelson, Steven M. Redefining a bizarre situation: Relative concept stability in affect control theory Social Psychology Quarterly, 69: 215-234
Affective Meaning 1962 Osgood, Charles E. Studies on the generality of affective meaning systems American Psychologist 17: 10-28
Emotions 1966 Osgood, Charles E. Dimensionality of the semantic space for communication via facial expressions Scandanavian Journal of Psychology 7: 1-30
Affective Meaning 1957 Osgood, Charles E., G. J. Suci and P. H. Tannenbaum The Measurement of Meaning University of Illinois Press
Values 1961 Osgood, Charles E., E. E. Ware, and C. Morris Analysis of the connotative meanings of a variety of human values as expressed by American college students Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62(1), 62
Affective Meaning 1975 Osgood, Charles E., W. H. May, and M. S. Miron Cross-Cultural Universals of Affective Meaning University of Illinois Press
Theory, Math 1973 Powers, William T. Behavior: The Control of Perception Aldine
Impression Formation 2001 Rashotte, Lisa Slattery Some effects of demeanor on the meaning of behaviors in context Current Research in Social Psychology 6 (17) PDF
Impression Formation 2002 Rashotte, Lisa Slattery Incorporating Nonverbal Behaviors into Affect Control Theory Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 HTML
Imagery 2003 Rashotte, Lisa Slattery Written versus visual stimuli in the study of impression formation Social Science Research 32: 278-293
Emotions 2002 Rashotte, Lisa Slattery What does that smile mean? The meaning of nonverbal behaviors in social interaction Social Psychology Quarterly 65: 92-102
Imagery 1988 Raynolds, Peter A., Shiori Sakamoto, and Gennie H. Raynolds Consistent projective differential responses by American and Japanese students Perceptual and Motor Skills 66: 395-402
Imagery 1981 Raynolds, Peter A., Shiori Sakamoto, and Robert Saxe Consistent responses by groups of subjects to projective differential items Perceptual and Motor Skills 53: 635-644
Overview 2006 Robinson, Dawn T. Affect Control Theory Encyclopedia of Social Theory. George Ritzer (ed). Sage Publications
Groups 1996 Robinson, Dawn T. Identity and friendship: Affective dynamics and network formation Advances in Group Process, 13: 91-111
Overview 2006 Robinson, Dawn T., and Lynn Smith-Lovin Affect Control Theory Contemporary Social Psychological Theories, Peter J. Burke (ed). 137-164. Stanford University Press
Experiments 1992 Robinson, Dawn T., and Lynn Smith-Lovin Selective interaction as a strategy for identity maintenance: An affect control model Social Psychology Quarterly 55: 12-28
Emotions 1999 Robinson, Dawn T., and Lynn Smith-Lovin Emotion display as a strategy for identity negotiation Motivation and Emotion, 23: 73-104
Emotions 2004 Robinson, Dawn T., Christabel L. Rogalin and Lynn Smith-Lovin Physiological measures of theoretical concepts: Some ideas for linking deflection and emotion to physical responses during interaction Advances in Group Processes 21:77-115
Experiments 1994 Robinson, Dawn T., Lynn Smith-Lovin, and Olga Tsoudis Heinous crime or unfortunate accident? The effects of remorse on responses to mock criminal confessions Social Forces, 73: 175-190
Emotions 2014 Rogers, Kimberly B., Tobias Schröder, and Christian von Scheve Dissecting the Sociality of Emotion: A Multi-Level Approach Emotion Review 6(2):124-33
Theory, Math 1986 Romney, A. Kimball, Susan C. Weller, and William H. Batchelder Culture as Consensus: A Theory of Culture and Informant Accuracy American Anthropologist 88: 313-338
Deviance 1993 Scher, Steven J., and D. R. Heise Affect and the perception of injustice Advances in Group Process, 10: 223-252 HTML
Sub-Cultures 2002 Schneider, Andreas Probing Unknown Cultures Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 HTML
Emotions 1996 Schneider, Andreas Sexual-erotic emotions in the U.S. in cross-cultural comparison International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 16: 123-143
Politics 1999 Schneider, Andreas US neo-conservatism: Cohort and cross-cultural perspective International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 19:56-86 PDF
Deviance 2007 Schneider, Andreas Politically Correct Stereotyping: The Case of Texans International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 44,2:84-101 PDF
Politics 2004 Schneider, Andreas The Ideal Type of Authority in the United States and Germany Sociological Perspectives 47,3: 313-327 PDF
Deviance 1999 Schneider, Andreas The violent character of sexual-eroticism in cross-cultural comparison International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 18:81-100 PDF
Imagery 2009 Schneider, Andreas The Rhythm of the Whip Social Psychology Quarterly 72,4: 285-289 PDF
Deviance 2005 Schneider, Andreas A Model of Sexual Constraint and Sexual Emancipation Sociological Perspectives 48,2:255-270 PDF
Occupations, Work 2002 Schneider, Andreas Computer simulation of behavior prescriptions in multi-cultural corporations Organization Studies 23: 105-131 PDF
Affective Meaning 2005 Schneider, Andreas and Alden E. Roberts Classification and the Relations of Meaning Quality & Quantity 38,5:547-557
Simulations 1995 Schneider, Andreas, and D. R. Heise Simulating symbolic interaction Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 20: 271-287 HTML
Affective Meaning 2013 Scholl, Wolfgang The socio-emotional basis of human interaction and communication: How we construct our social world Social Science Information, 52(1), 3\u201333
Impression Formation 2011 Schröder, Tobias A Model of Language-Based Impression Formation and Attribution Among Germans Journal of Language and Social Psychology 30:82-102
Experiments 2009 Schröder, Tobias, and Wolfgang Scholl Affective dynamics of leadership: An experimental test of affect control theory Social Psychology Quarterly 72: 180-197
Experiments 2013 Schröder, Tobias, Janine Netzel, Carsten C. Schermuly, and Wolfgang Scholl Culture-Constrained Affective Consistency of Interpersonal Behavior: A Test of Affect Control Theory with Nonverbal Expressions Social Psychology 44(1):47-58
Social Structure 2010 Sewell, A. A. and D. R. Heise Racial Differences in Sentiments: Exploring Variant Cultures International Journal of Intercultural Relations 34: 400-412 PDF
Technology 2010 Shank, Daniel B. An affect control theory of technology Current Research in Social Psychology PDF
Affective Meaning 2007 Shuuichrou Ike, Herman W. Smith and Andreas Schneider An Analytic Frame of Affective Meanings Using Affect Control Theory Journal of Natural Language Processing 14 (3):99-115 (in Japanese)
Affective Meaning 1998 Skrandies, W. Evoked potential correlates of semantic meaning: A brain mapping study Cognitive Brain Research, 6: 173-183
Affective Meaning 2003 Skrandies, W., and M. J. Chiu Dimensions of affective semantic meaning - behavioral and evoked potential correlates in Chinese subjects Neuroscience Letters, 341: 45-48
Self 2003 Smith-Lovin, L. Self, identity, and interaction in an ecology of identities Advances in Identity Theory and Research. P. J. Burke, T. J. Owens, P. A. Thoits and R. T. Serpe (eds). 167-178. Plenum
Impression Formation 1979 Smith-Lovin, Lynn Behavior settings and impressions formed from social scenarios Social Psychology Quarterly 42: 31-43
Impression Formation 1987 Smith-Lovin, Lynn Impressions from events Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 35-70 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988)
Impression Formation 1987 Smith-Lovin, Lynn The affective control of events within settings Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 71-101 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988)
Overview 1987 Smith-Lovin, Lynn Affect control theory: An assessment Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 171-192 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988)
Emotions 1991 Smith-Lovin, Lynn An affect control view of cognition and emotion The Self-Society Dynamic: Cognition, Emotion, and Action. Judith A. Howard and Peter L. Callero (Eds), 143-169. Cambridge University Press
Emotions 1994 Smith-Lovin, Lynn The sociology of affect and emotion Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. K. Cook, G. Fine, and J. House (Eds). 118-148. Allyn and Bacon
Emotions 1990 Smith-Lovin, Lynn Emotion as the confirmation and disconfirmation of identity: An affect control model Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions. T. D. Kemper (Ed). Chapter 9. State University of New York Press
Emotions 1993 Smith-Lovin, Lynn Can emotionality and rationality be reconciled? A comment on Collins, Frank, Hirshleifer, and Jasso Rationality and Society, 5: 283-293
Emotions 2002 Smith-Lovin, Lynn Roles, identities, and emotions: Parallel processing and the production of mixed emotions Self and Identity: Personal, Social, and Symbolic. Y. Kashima, M. Foddy, and M. Platow (Eds), 125-143. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Identities 2003 Smith-Lovin, Lynn Self, Identity, and Interaction in an Ecology of Identities Advances in Identity Theory and Research, edited by P. J. Burke, T. J. Owens, P. A. Thoits, and R. T. Serpe; 167-78. New York: Plenum.
Impression Formation 1982 Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and D. R. Heise A structural equation model of impression formation Multivariate Applications in the Social Sciences. N. Hirschberg and L.G. Humphreys (eds). 195-222. Lawrence Erlbaum PDF
Identities 2007 Smith-Lovin, Lynn The Strength of Weak Identities: Social Structural Sources of Self, Situation, and Emotional Experience Social Psychology Quarterly 70(2):106-124.
Theory, Math 1988 Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and D. R. Heise Analyzing Social Interaction: Advances in Affect Control Theory Gordon and Breach Science Publishers (Reprint of a special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol 13)
Emotions 2006 Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and Dawn T. Robinson Control theories of identity, action, and emotion: In search of testable differences between affect control theory and identity Control theory Control System Theories in Sociology. Kent McClelland and Thomas Fararo (eds). Palgrave-MacMillan
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