Following are references related to EPA or ACT. Recently added references are at the top.
Click on a column heading to sort on that column.
Topic | Year | Author(s) | Title | Publication, Vol., Pages | On-line |
Social Structure | 2016 | Ambrasat, Jens, Christian von Scheve, Gesche Schauenburg, Markus Conrad, and Tobias Schröder | Unpacking the Habitus: Meaning Making Across Lifestyles | Sociological Forum. doi: 10.1111/socf.12293 | |
Business | 2016 | Shank, Daniel B. and Rohan Lulham | Symbolic Interaction with Consumer Products: An Affect Control Theory Approach | Sociology Compass, 10: 613-622. doi: 10.1111/soc4.12381 | |
Identities | 2016 | Schröder, Tobias, Jesse Hoey, and Kimberly B. Rogers | Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory | American Sociological Review | |
Affective Meaning | 2016 | Mukherjee, Shibashis, and David R. Heise | Affective meanings of 1,469 Bengali concepts | Behavior Research Methods, DOI 10.3758/s13428-016-0704 | |
Business | 2016 | Shank, Daniel B. and Rohan Lulham | Products as Affective Modifiers of Identities | Sociological Perspectives. DOI: 10.1177/0731121416629996 | |
Theory, Math | 2016 | Hoey, Jesse, Tobias Schröder, and Areej Alhothali | Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process | Artificial Intelligence 230: 134-172 | |
Theory, Math | 2015 | Heise, D. R., Neil J. MacKinnon, and Wolfgang Scholl | Identities, roles, and social institutions: An affect control account of social order | Order on the Edge of Chaos. E. J. Lawler, S. R. Thye, and J. Yoon (eds). 165-188. Cambridge | |
Self | 2015 | MacKinnon, Neil J. | Self-Esteem and Beyond | Palgrave-Macmillan | |
Impression formation | 2015 | Heise, D. R. | Determinants of normative processes: Comparison of two empirical methods of specification | Quality & Quantity, 49, 2559-2576 | |
Values | 2015 | Lulham, Rohan, Clementine Thurgood, and Daniel B. Shank | An affective tool to assist in designing innovations | International Association of Societies of Design Research | HTML |
Affective Meaning | 2014 | Ambrasat, Jens, Christian von Scheve, Markus Conrad, Gesche Schauenburg, and Tobias Schröder | Consensus and stratification in the affective meaning of human sociality | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (22) 8001–8006 | HTML |
Overview | 2014 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and Dawn R. Robinson | Back to the Future: 25 Years of Research in Affect Control Theory | Advances in Group Processes 31: 139-173 | |
Affective Meaning | 2014 | Schmidtke, David S., Tobias Schröder, Arthur M. Jacobs, Markus Conrad | ANGST: Affective norms for German sentiment terms, derived from the affective norms for English words | Behavior Research Methods, 46:1108-1118 | |
Emotions | 2010 | Schneider, Andreas, William L. Gardner, Amanda Hinojosa, and Alejandra Marin. | Leadership as a Self-fulfilling Prophecy of Followership: Emotional Responses of Leaders to Subordinates | Leadership 10: 391-411 | HTML |
Language | 1982 | Anderson, C. W., and G. E. McMaster | Computer assisted modeling of affective tone in written documents | Computers and the Humanities 16: 1-9 | |
Impression Formation | 2008 | Anderson, Norman H. | Unified Social Cognition | Psychology Press | |
Impression Formation | 1987 | Averett, C. P., and D. R. Heise | Modified social identities: Amalgamations, Attributions, and Emotions | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 103-132 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988) | |
Politics | 1981 | Azar, Edward E., and Steven J. Lerner | The use of semantic dimensions in the scaling of international events | International Interactions 7: 361-378 | |
Groups | 1999 | Bales, Robert Freed | Social Interaction Systems: Theory and Measurement | Transaction Books | |
Politics | 1998 | Berbrier, Mitch. | 'Half the Battle': Cultural Resonance, Framing Processes, and Ethnic Affectations in Contemporary White Separatist Rhetoric | Social Problems 45:431-450 | |
Language | 1990 | Besnier, Niko | Language and affect | Annual Review of Anthropology 19: 419-151 | |
Affective Meaning | 1999 | Bradley, M. M., and P. J. Lang | Affective norms for English words (ANEW): Stimuli, instruction manual and affective ratings | Technical report C-1, Gainesville, FL. The Center for Research in Psychophysiology, University of Florida. | |
Social Change | 2000 | Britt, Lory, and D. Heise | From Shame to Pride in Identity Politics | Self, Identity, and Social Movements. Sheldon Stryker, Timothy Owens, and Robert White (eds). Chapter 12. University of Minnesota Press | HTML |
Impression Formation | 1992 | Britt, Lory, and D. R. Heise | Impressions of self-directed action | Social Psychology Quarterly 55: 335-350 | HTML |
Affective Meaning | 1980 | Chapman, R. M., J. W. McCrary, J. A. Chapman, and J. K. Martin | Behavioral and neural analyses of connotative meaning: Word classes and rating scales | Brain and Language 11: 319-339 | |
Affective Meaning | 1987 | Clore, G. L., A. Ortony, and M. A. Foss | The psychological structure of the affective lexicon | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 53: 751-766 | |
Overview | 2007 | Clore, Gerald L., and Jesse Pappas | The affective regulation of social interaction | Social Psychology Quarterly 70: 333-339 | |
Affective Meaning | 1993 | Demerath, Loren | Knowledge-based affect: Cognitive origins of 'good' and 'bad' | Social Psychology Quarterly, 56: 136-147 | |
Development | 1966 | Di Vesta, Francis J. | A developmental study of the semantic structure of children | Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 5: 249-259 | |
Development | 1966 | Di Vesta, Francis J. | A normative study of 220 concepts rated on the semantic differential by children in grades 2 through 7 | Journal of Genetic Psychology 109: 205-229 | |
Affective Meaning | 1966 | DiVesta, Francis J., and Walter Dick | The test-retest reliability of children's ratings on the semantic differential | Educational and Psychological Measurement, 26: 605-616 | |
Imagery | 2006 | Doyle, John R., and Paul A. Bottomley | Dressed for the occasion: Font-product congruity in the perception of logotype | Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16: 112-123 | |
Language | 2002 | Dunphy, Tara, and Neil J. MacKinnon | A Proposal for Integrating Folklore and Affect Control Theory | Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 | HTML |
Imagery | 1963 | Elliott, Lois L., and P. H. Tannenbaum | Factor structure of semantic differential responses to visual forms and prediction of factor-scores from structural characteristics of the stimulus-shapes | American Journal of Psychology 76: 589-597 | |
Experiments | 2013 | Fennell, John G., & Baddeley, Roland J. | Reward Is Assessed in Three Dimensions That Correspond to the Semantic Differential | PLoS ONE, 8(2), e55588. doi: 101371/journalpone0055588. | HTML |
Emotions | 2007 | Fontaine, Johnny R.J., Klaus R. Scherer, Etienne B. Roesch, and Phoebe C. Ellsworth | The world of emotions is not two-dimensional | Psychological Science 18: 1050-1057 | |
Overview | 2006 | Francis, Clare Anne | Introduction to affect control theory | Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds). 139-161. Palgrave-Macmillan | |
Occupations, Work | 2006 | Francis, Clare Anne, and David R. Heise | Emotions on the job: Supporting and threatening face in work organizations | Social Structure and Emotion Conference, April 6-9, 2006, Athens, GA | |
Emotions | 1997 | Francis, Linda | Emotion, coping, and therapeutic ideologies | Social Perspectives on Emotion 4:71-101 | |
Groups | 1997 | Francis, Linda | Ideology and interpersonal emotion management: Redefining identity in two support groups | Social Psychology Quarterly 60:153-171 | |
Social Change | 2003 | Friedkin, Noah E. and Eugene C. Johnsen | Attitude change, affect control, and expectations states in the formation of influence networks | Advances in Group Processes 20: 1-29 | |
Impression Formation | 1968 | Gollob, Harry F. | Impression formation and word combination in sentences | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 10: 341-53 | |
Impression Formation | 1974 | Gollob, Harry F. | A subject-verb-object approach to social cognition | Psychological Review 81:286-321 | |
Impression Formation | 1973 | Gollob, Harry F., and B. B. Rossman | Judgments of an actor's 'Power and ability to influence others | Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 9:391-406 | |
Impression Formation | 1973 | Gollob, Harry F., and Gregory W. Fischer | Some relationships between social inference, cognitive balance, and change in impression | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 26: 16-22 | |
Deviance | 1963 | Gordon, Robert A., James F. Short, Jr, Desmond S. Cartwright, and Fred L. Strodtbeck | Values and gang delinquency: A study of street corner groups | American Journal of Sociology 69: 109-128 | |
Affective Meaning | 1965 | Heise, D. R. | Semantic Differential Profiles for 1,000 Most Frequent English Words | Psychological Monographs 79: No 8 (Whole No 601) | |
Social Structure | 1966 | Heise, D. R. | Social status, attitudes, and word connotations | Sociological Inquiry, 36: 227-39 | |
Affective Meaning | 1969 | Heise, D. R. | Some methodological issues in semantic differential research | Psychological Bulletin 72:406-22 | |
Affective Meaning | 1970 | Heise, D. R. | The semantic differential and attitude research | Attitude Measurement. G. Summers (ed). 235-53. Rand McNally | HTML |
Affective Meaning | 1982 | Heise, D. R. | Measuring attitudes with a PET | BYTE: The Small Systems Journal 7: No 7, 208-246 | |
Affective Meaning | 2010 | Heise, D. R. | Surveying Cultures: Discovering Shared Conceptions and Sentiments | Wiley Interscience | |
Affective Meaning | 2001 | Heise, D. R. | Project Magellan: Collecting Cross-cultural Affective Meanings Via The Internet | Electronic Journal of Sociology: 5 (3) | HTML |
Impression Formation | 1969 | Heise, D. R. | Affective dynamics in simple sentences | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 11: 204-13 | |
Impression Formation | 1970 | Heise, D. R. | Potency dynamics in simple sentences | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 16:48-54 | |
Impression Formation | 1991 | Heise, D. R. | OLS Equation Estimations for Interact | Indiana University | |
Overview | 1977 | Heise, D. R. | Social action as the control of affect | Behavioral Science 22: 163-177 | |
Theory, Math | 1979 | Heise, D. R. | Understanding Events: Affect and the Construction of Social Action | Cambridge University Press | |
Theory, Math | 1985 | Heise, D. R. | Affect control theory: Respecification, estimation, and tests of the formal model | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 11: 191-222 | |
Overview | 1986 | Heise, D. R. | Modeling symbolic interaction | Approaches to Social Theory. S. Lindenberg, J. S. Coleman, and S. Nowak (eds). 291-309. Russell Sage Foundation. | |
Theory, Math | 1987 | Heise, D. R. | Affect control theory: Concepts and model | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 1-33 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988) | |
Impression Formation | 1989 | Heise, D. R. | Effects of emotion displays on social identification | Social Psychology Quarterly 52: 10-21 | HTML |
Impression Formation | 1990 | Heise, D. R. | Affect control model technical appendix | Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions. T. D. Kemper (Ed), Chapter 10. State University of New York Press | |
Overview | 1999 | Heise, D. R. | Controlling Affective Experience Interpersonally | Social Psychology Quarterly 62 (1999): 4-16 | HTML |
Overview | 2000 | Heise, D. R. | Thinking sociologically with mathematics | Sociological Theory, 18: 498-504 | HTML |
Overview | 2002 | Heise, D. R. | Understanding social interaction with Affect Control Theory | New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory. Joseph Berger and Morris Zelditch (Eds). 17-40. Rowman and Littlefield | HTML |
Theory, Math | 2007 | Heise, D. R. | Expressive Order: Confirming Sentiments in Social Actions | Springer | |
Simulations | 1978 | Heise, D. R. | Computer-Assisted Analysis of Social Action: Use of Program INTERACT and SURVEY.UNC75 | Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Chapel Hill, NC | |
Imagery | 1982 | Heise, D. R. | Face synthesizer | Micro: The 6502/6809 Journal, No 49, pp 31-37 | HTML |
Simulations | 2004 | Heise, D. R. | Enculturating agents with expressive role behavior | Agent Culture: Human-Agent Interaction in a Multicultural World. Sabine Payr and Robert Trappl (Eds). 127-142. Lawrence Erlbaum | |
Emotions | 1998 | Heise, D. R. | Conditions for Empathic Solidarity | The Problem of Solidarity: Theories and Models. Patrick Doreian and Thomas Fararo (eds). 197-211. Gordon and Breach) | HTML |
Development | 1985 | Heise, D. R. | Facial expression of emotion as a means of socialization | Electronic Social Psychology, 1 (1) | HTML |
Development | 1987 | Heise, D. R. | Sociocultural determination of mental aging | Cognitive Functioning and Social Structure Over the Life Course. C. Schooler and K. W. Schaie (Eds). 247-261. Norwood, NJ: Ablex | |
Affective Meaning | 1966 | Heise, D. R. | Sensitization of verbal response-dispositions by n Affiliation and n Achievement | Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5: 522-25 | |
Language | 1966 | Heise, D. R. | Sound-meaning correlations among 1,000 English words | Language and Speech, 9: 14-27 | |
Affective Meaning | 2014 | Heise, D. R. | Cultural variations in sentiments. | SpringerPlus 2014, 3:170 | HTML |
Groups | 2013 | Heise, D. R. | Modeling interactions in small groups | Social Psychology Quarterly 76 (2013): 52-72 | |
Emotions | 1999 | Heise, D. R., and Brian Weir | A test of symbolic interactionist predictions about emotions in imagined situations | Symbolic Interaction, 22 (1999): 129-161 | HTML |
Emotions | 1995 | Heise, D. R., and Cassandra Calhan | Emotion norms in interpersonal events | Social Psychology Quarterly, 58: 223-240 | HTML |
Simulations | 1988 | Heise, D. R., and Elsa Lewis | Programs Interact and Attitude: Software and Documentation | Wm C. Brown Publishers | |
Emotions | 1993 | Heise, D. R., and John O'Brien | Emotion expression in groups | The Handbook of Emotions. Michael Lewis and Jeannette M. Haviland (Eds). 489-497. Guilford Press | |
Impression Formation | 1989 | Heise, D. R., and Lisa Thomas | Predicting impressions created by combinations of emotion and social identity | Social Psychology Quarterly 52: 141-148 | |
Impression Formation | 1981 | Heise, D. R., and Lynn Smith-Lovin | Impressions of goodness, powerfulness and liveliness from discerned social events | Social Psychology Quarterly 44: 93-106 | |
Impression Formation | 1987 | Heise, D. R., and Neil J. MacKinnon | Affective bases of likelihood judgments | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 133-151 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988) | |
Impression Formation | 2000 | Heise, David R. | Affect control theory and impression formation | Encyclopedia of Sociology. Edgar F. Borgatta and Rhonda J. Montgomery (eds). 41-47. Macmillan Reference | |
Self | 1990 | Heise, David R. | Careers, career trajectories, and the self | Self-Directedness: Cause and Effects Throughout the Life Course. J. Rodin, C. Schooler, and K. W. Schaie (eds). 59-84. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | |
Politics | 2006 | Heise, David R. | Sentiment formation in social interaction | Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, edited by Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds). 189-211. Palgrave-Macmillan | |
Politics | 2006 | Heise, David R., and Steven Jay Lerner | Affect control in international relations | Social Forces 85: 993-1010 | |
Theory, Math | 2013 | Hoey, Jesse, Tobias Schröder, Areej Alhothali | Bayesian affect control theory | 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII: 166-172 | HTML |
Gender | 1987 | Holland, Dorothy | Culture sharing across gender lines: An interactionist corrective to the status-centered model | American Behavioral Scientist 31:234-249 | |
Deviance | 2010 | Hunt, Pamela | Are You Kynd? Conformity and Deviance Within the Jamband Subculture | Deviant Behavior 31:521-551 | |
Sub-Cultures | 2008 | Hunt, Pamela M. | From Festies to Tourrats: Examining the Relationship between Jamband Subculture Involvement and Role Meanings | Social Psychology Quarterly 71:356-78 | |
Politics | 2003 | Irwin, Kyle | Political Interaction and Affective Meaning | M.A. Thesis. Department of Sociology, University of Missouri- St Louis | |
Deviance | 2002 | Kalkhoff, Will | Delinquency and Violence as Affect-Control: Reviving the Subcultural Approach in Criminology | Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 | HTML |
Social Structure | 1990 | Kemper, T. David, and Randall Collins | Dimensions of microinteraction | American Journal of Sociology 96: 32-68 | |
Technology | 2001 | King, Adam B. | Affective dimensions of internet culture | Social Science Computer Review 19: 414-430 | |
Technology | 2008 | King, Adam B. | Finding online subcultures in shared meanings | Social Science Computer Review 26: 137-151 | |
Social Structure | 1972 | Kirby, D. M. and R. C. Gardner | Ethnic stereotypes: norms on 208 words typically used in their assessment | Canadian Journal of Psychology 26:140-154 | |
Gender | 2002 | Kroska, Amy | Does gender ideology matter? Examining the relationship between gender ideology and self- and partner-meanings | Social Psychology Quarterly 65:248-65 | |
Gender | 2003 | Kroska, Amy | Investigating gender differences in the meaning of household chores and child care | Journal of Marriage and Family 65:456\u2013473 | |
Gender | 1997 | Kroska, Amy | The division of labor in the home: A review and reconceptualization | Social Psychology Quarterly 60: 304-322 | |
Gender | 2001 | Kroska, Amy | Do we have consensus? Examining the relationship between gender ideology and role meanings | Social Psychology Quarterly 64: 18-40 | |
Deviance | 2006 | Kroska, Amy, and Sarah K. Harkness | Stigma sentiments and self-meanings: Exploring the modified labeling theory of mental illness | Social Psychology Quarterly, 69: 325-348 | |
Deviance | 2008 | Kroska, Amy, and Sarah K. Harkness | Exploring the role of diagnosis in the modified labeling theory of mental illness | Social Psychology Quarterly 71(2):193-208 | |
Deviance | 2011 | Kroska, Amy, and Sarah K. Harkness | Coping with the stigma of mental illness: Empirically-grounded hypotheses from computer simulations | Social Forces 89(4) 1315-1340 | |
Social Structure | 1976 | Landis, D., P. McGrew, H. Day, J. Savage, and T. Saral | Word meanings in Black and White | Variations in Black and White Perceptions of the Social Environment. H. C. Triandis (ed). 45-80. University of Illinois Press | |
Gender | 2000 | Langford, Tom, and Neil J. MacKinnon | The affective basis for the gendering of traits: Comparing the United States and Canada | Social Psychology Quarterly 63: 34-48 | |
Affective Meaning | 1973 | Lawson, Edwin D. | Men's first names, nicknames, and short names: A semantic differential analysis | Names 21:22-27 | |
Affective Meaning | 1986 | Lawson, Edwin D., and Lynn M. Roeder | Women's full names, short names and affectionate names: A semantic differential analysis | Names 34:175-84 | |
Sub-Cultures | 2002 | Lee, BongKoo, and C. Scott Shafer | The dynamic nature of leisure experience: An application of affect control theory | Journal of Leisure Research 34: 290-310 | |
Technology | 1998 | Lee, James Daniel | Which kids can 'become' scientists? Effects of gender, self-concepts, and perceptions of scientists | Social Psychology Quarterly 61:199-219 | |
Politics | 1983 | Lerner, Steven Jay | Affective Dynamics of International Relations | PhD. Dissertation University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | |
Health | 2011 | Lively, Kathryn J. and Carrie L. Smith | Identity and illness | Handbook of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Healing. B. A. Pescosolido, J. K. Martin, J. D. McLeod, and A. Rogers (eds). New York: Springer | |
Emotions | 2006 | Lively, Kathryn J., and Brian Powell | Emotional expression at work and at home: Domain, status, or individual characteristics? | Social Psychology Quarterly 69: 17-38 | |
Emotions | 2004 | Lively, Kathryn J., and D. Heise | Sociological realms of emotional experience | American Journal of Sociology, 109: 1109-36 | |
Emotions | 2014 | Lively, Kathryn J., and D. R. Heise | Emotions in Affect Control Theory | Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions, vol. 2. J. E. Stets and J. H. Turner (eds). Springer | |
Gender | 2010 | Lively, Kathryn J., Lala Steelman, and Brian Powell | Equity, Emotion, and the Household Division of Labor | Social Psychology Quarterly 73: 358-379 | |
Social Structure | 2005 | Lovaglia, Michael, Reef Youngreen, and Dawn T. Robinson | Identity maintenance, affect control, and cognitive performance | Advances in Group Processes 22:65-92 | |
Theory, Math | 2010 | MacKinnon, N. J. and D. R. Heise | Self, Identity, and Social Institutions | Palgrave-Macmillan | |
Impression Formation | 1985 | MacKinnon, Neil J. | Final Reports to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada on Projects 410-81-0089, 410-86-0794 (1988), and 410-94-0087 (1998) | Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Guelph, Canada | |
Theory, Math | 1994 | MacKinnon, Neil J. | Symbolic Interactionism as Affect Control | State University of New York Press | |
Imagery | 2003 | MacKinnon, Neil J. | Keynote address--Symbolic interaction and knowledge presentation: From cognitive to affective models | Preparing for the Future of Knowledge Presentation. Chicago, IL: International Institute for Information Design, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology | HTML |
Social Change | 2002 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and Alison Luke | Changes in identity attitudes as reflections of social and cultural change | Canadian Journal of Sociology, 27: 299-338 | |
Overview | 1993 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and D. R. Heise | Affect Control Theory: Delineation and Development | Theoretical Research Programs: Studies in the Growth of Theory. Joseph Berger and Morris Zelditch, Jr (eds). Stanford University Press | |
Social Structure | 2000 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and Jeffrey W. Bowlby | The Affective Dynamics of Stereotyping and Intergroup Relations | Advances in Group Processes 17:37-76 | |
Politics | 2000 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and Jeffrey W. Bowlby | The affective dynamics of stereotyping and intergroup relations | Advances in Group Processes, 17: 37-76 | |
Emotions | 1989 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and Leo Keating | The structure of emotion: A review of the problem and a cross-cultural analysis | Social Psychology Quarterly 52: 70-83 | |
Emotions | 2006 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and Michelle M. Goulbourne | The affect control theory of emotions: The case of depression | Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds). 237-266. Palgrave-Macmillan | |
Social Structure | 1994 | MacKinnon, Neil J., and Tom Langford | The meaning of occupational prestige scores: A social psychological analysis and interpretation | The Sociological Quarterly 35:215-245 | |
Social Structure | 2004 | Malone, Martin J. | Structure and affect: The influence of social structure on affective meaning in American kinship | Social Psychology Quarterly, 67: 203-216 | |
Development | 1963 | Maltz, Howard E. | Ontogenetic change in the meaning of concepts as measured by the semantic differential | Child Development 34:667-674 | |
Deviance | 1965 | Marks, I. M. | Patterns of Meaning in Psychiatric Patients' Semantic Differential Responses in Obsessives and Psychopaths | Oxford University Press | |
Deviance | 1966 | Marks, I. M. | Semantic differential uses in psychiatric patients: A study of obsessive, psychopath, and control inpatients | British Journal of Psychiatry 112: 945-951 | |
Occupations, Work | 2006 | Moore, Christopher D., and Dawn T. Robinson | Selective identity preferences: Choosing from among alternative occupational identities | Advances in Group Processes 23:253-281 | |
Emotions | 1988 | Morgan, R., and D. R. Heise | Structure of Emotions | Social Psychology Quarterly 51: 19-31 | |
Deviance | 2006 | Nelson, Steven M. | Redefining a bizarre situation: Relative concept stability in affect control theory | Social Psychology Quarterly, 69: 215-234 | |
Affective Meaning | 1962 | Osgood, Charles E. | Studies on the generality of affective meaning systems | American Psychologist 17: 10-28 | |
Emotions | 1966 | Osgood, Charles E. | Dimensionality of the semantic space for communication via facial expressions | Scandanavian Journal of Psychology 7: 1-30 | |
Affective Meaning | 1957 | Osgood, Charles E., G. J. Suci and P. H. Tannenbaum | The Measurement of Meaning | University of Illinois Press | |
Values | 1961 | Osgood, Charles E., E. E. Ware, and C. Morris | Analysis of the connotative meanings of a variety of human values as expressed by American college students | Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62(1), 62 | |
Affective Meaning | 1975 | Osgood, Charles E., W. H. May, and M. S. Miron | Cross-Cultural Universals of Affective Meaning | University of Illinois Press | |
Theory, Math | 1973 | Powers, William T. | Behavior: The Control of Perception | Aldine | |
Impression Formation | 2001 | Rashotte, Lisa Slattery | Some effects of demeanor on the meaning of behaviors in context | Current Research in Social Psychology 6 (17) | |
Impression Formation | 2002 | Rashotte, Lisa Slattery | Incorporating Nonverbal Behaviors into Affect Control Theory | Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 | HTML |
Imagery | 2003 | Rashotte, Lisa Slattery | Written versus visual stimuli in the study of impression formation | Social Science Research 32: 278-293 | |
Emotions | 2002 | Rashotte, Lisa Slattery | What does that smile mean? The meaning of nonverbal behaviors in social interaction | Social Psychology Quarterly 65: 92-102 | |
Imagery | 1988 | Raynolds, Peter A., Shiori Sakamoto, and Gennie H. Raynolds | Consistent projective differential responses by American and Japanese students | Perceptual and Motor Skills 66: 395-402 | |
Imagery | 1981 | Raynolds, Peter A., Shiori Sakamoto, and Robert Saxe | Consistent responses by groups of subjects to projective differential items | Perceptual and Motor Skills 53: 635-644 | |
Overview | 2006 | Robinson, Dawn T. | Affect Control Theory | Encyclopedia of Social Theory. George Ritzer (ed). Sage Publications | |
Groups | 1996 | Robinson, Dawn T. | Identity and friendship: Affective dynamics and network formation | Advances in Group Process, 13: 91-111 | |
Overview | 2006 | Robinson, Dawn T., and Lynn Smith-Lovin | Affect Control Theory | Contemporary Social Psychological Theories, Peter J. Burke (ed). 137-164. Stanford University Press | |
Experiments | 1992 | Robinson, Dawn T., and Lynn Smith-Lovin | Selective interaction as a strategy for identity maintenance: An affect control model | Social Psychology Quarterly 55: 12-28 | |
Emotions | 1999 | Robinson, Dawn T., and Lynn Smith-Lovin | Emotion display as a strategy for identity negotiation | Motivation and Emotion, 23: 73-104 | |
Emotions | 2004 | Robinson, Dawn T., Christabel L. Rogalin and Lynn Smith-Lovin | Physiological measures of theoretical concepts: Some ideas for linking deflection and emotion to physical responses during interaction | Advances in Group Processes 21:77-115 | |
Experiments | 1994 | Robinson, Dawn T., Lynn Smith-Lovin, and Olga Tsoudis | Heinous crime or unfortunate accident? The effects of remorse on responses to mock criminal confessions | Social Forces, 73: 175-190 | |
Emotions | 2014 | Rogers, Kimberly B., Tobias Schröder, and Christian von Scheve | Dissecting the Sociality of Emotion: A Multi-Level Approach | Emotion Review 6(2):124-33 | |
Theory, Math | 1986 | Romney, A. Kimball, Susan C. Weller, and William H. Batchelder | Culture as Consensus: A Theory of Culture and Informant Accuracy | American Anthropologist 88: 313-338 | |
Deviance | 1993 | Scher, Steven J., and D. R. Heise | Affect and the perception of injustice | Advances in Group Process, 10: 223-252 | HTML |
Sub-Cultures | 2002 | Schneider, Andreas | Probing Unknown Cultures | Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 | HTML |
Emotions | 1996 | Schneider, Andreas | Sexual-erotic emotions in the U.S. in cross-cultural comparison | International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 16: 123-143 | |
Politics | 1999 | Schneider, Andreas | US neo-conservatism: Cohort and cross-cultural perspective | International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 19:56-86 | |
Deviance | 2007 | Schneider, Andreas | Politically Correct Stereotyping: The Case of Texans | International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 44,2:84-101 | |
Politics | 2004 | Schneider, Andreas | The Ideal Type of Authority in the United States and Germany | Sociological Perspectives 47,3: 313-327 | |
Deviance | 1999 | Schneider, Andreas | The violent character of sexual-eroticism in cross-cultural comparison | International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 18:81-100 | |
Imagery | 2009 | Schneider, Andreas | The Rhythm of the Whip | Social Psychology Quarterly 72,4: 285-289 | |
Deviance | 2005 | Schneider, Andreas | A Model of Sexual Constraint and Sexual Emancipation | Sociological Perspectives 48,2:255-270 | |
Occupations, Work | 2002 | Schneider, Andreas | Computer simulation of behavior prescriptions in multi-cultural corporations | Organization Studies 23: 105-131 | |
Affective Meaning | 2005 | Schneider, Andreas and Alden E. Roberts | Classification and the Relations of Meaning | Quality & Quantity 38,5:547-557 | |
Simulations | 1995 | Schneider, Andreas, and D. R. Heise | Simulating symbolic interaction | Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 20: 271-287 | HTML |
Affective Meaning | 2013 | Scholl, Wolfgang | The socio-emotional basis of human interaction and communication: How we construct our social world | Social Science Information, 52(1), 3\u201333 | |
Impression Formation | 2011 | Schröder, Tobias | A Model of Language-Based Impression Formation and Attribution Among Germans | Journal of Language and Social Psychology 30:82-102 | |
Experiments | 2009 | Schröder, Tobias, and Wolfgang Scholl | Affective dynamics of leadership: An experimental test of affect control theory | Social Psychology Quarterly 72: 180-197 | |
Experiments | 2013 | Schröder, Tobias, Janine Netzel, Carsten C. Schermuly, and Wolfgang Scholl | Culture-Constrained Affective Consistency of Interpersonal Behavior: A Test of Affect Control Theory with Nonverbal Expressions | Social Psychology 44(1):47-58 | |
Social Structure | 2010 | Sewell, A. A. and D. R. Heise | Racial Differences in Sentiments: Exploring Variant Cultures | International Journal of Intercultural Relations 34: 400-412 | |
Technology | 2010 | Shank, Daniel B. | An affect control theory of technology | Current Research in Social Psychology | |
Affective Meaning | 2007 | Shuuichrou Ike, Herman W. Smith and Andreas Schneider | An Analytic Frame of Affective Meanings Using Affect Control Theory | Journal of Natural Language Processing 14 (3):99-115 (in Japanese) | |
Affective Meaning | 1998 | Skrandies, W. | Evoked potential correlates of semantic meaning: A brain mapping study | Cognitive Brain Research, 6: 173-183 | |
Affective Meaning | 2003 | Skrandies, W., and M. J. Chiu | Dimensions of affective semantic meaning - behavioral and evoked potential correlates in Chinese subjects | Neuroscience Letters, 341: 45-48 | |
Self | 2003 | Smith-Lovin, L. | Self, identity, and interaction in an ecology of identities | Advances in Identity Theory and Research. P. J. Burke, T. J. Owens, P. A. Thoits and R. T. Serpe (eds). 167-178. Plenum | |
Impression Formation | 1979 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | Behavior settings and impressions formed from social scenarios | Social Psychology Quarterly 42: 31-43 | |
Impression Formation | 1987 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | Impressions from events | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 35-70 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988) | |
Impression Formation | 1987 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | The affective control of events within settings | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 71-101 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988) | |
Overview | 1987 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | Affect control theory: An assessment | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 171-192 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988) | |
Emotions | 1991 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | An affect control view of cognition and emotion | The Self-Society Dynamic: Cognition, Emotion, and Action. Judith A. Howard and Peter L. Callero (Eds), 143-169. Cambridge University Press | |
Emotions | 1994 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | The sociology of affect and emotion | Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. K. Cook, G. Fine, and J. House (Eds). 118-148. Allyn and Bacon | |
Emotions | 1990 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | Emotion as the confirmation and disconfirmation of identity: An affect control model | Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions. T. D. Kemper (Ed). Chapter 9. State University of New York Press | |
Emotions | 1993 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | Can emotionality and rationality be reconciled? A comment on Collins, Frank, Hirshleifer, and Jasso | Rationality and Society, 5: 283-293 | |
Emotions | 2002 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | Roles, identities, and emotions: Parallel processing and the production of mixed emotions | Self and Identity: Personal, Social, and Symbolic. Y. Kashima, M. Foddy, and M. Platow (Eds), 125-143. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | |
Identities | 2003 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | Self, Identity, and Interaction in an Ecology of Identities | Advances in Identity Theory and Research, edited by P. J. Burke, T. J. Owens, P. A. Thoits, and R. T. Serpe; 167-78. New York: Plenum. | |
Impression Formation | 1982 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and D. R. Heise | A structural equation model of impression formation | Multivariate Applications in the Social Sciences. N. Hirschberg and L.G. Humphreys (eds). 195-222. Lawrence Erlbaum | |
Identities | 2007 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn | The Strength of Weak Identities: Social Structural Sources of Self, Situation, and Emotional Experience | Social Psychology Quarterly 70(2):106-124. | |
Theory, Math | 1988 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and D. R. Heise | Analyzing Social Interaction: Advances in Affect Control Theory | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers (Reprint of a special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol 13) | |
Emotions | 2006 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and Dawn T. Robinson | Control theories of identity, action, and emotion: In search of testable differences between affect control theory and identity Control theory | Control System Theories in Sociology. Kent McClelland and Thomas Fararo (eds). Palgrave-MacMillan | |
Gender | 1991 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and Dawn T. Robinson | Gender and conversational dynamics | Gender, Interaction and Inequality. Cecilia Ridgeway (ed). Pp 122-156. New York: Springer-Verlag | |
Sub-Cultures | 1992 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn, and William Douglass | An affect control analysis of two religious subcultures | Social Perspectives on Emotions. V. Gecas and D. Franks (Eds), Vol 1, JAI Press, pp 217-248 | |
Emotions | 2006 | Smith-Lovin, Lynn, Dawn T. Robinson, and Allison Wisecup | Affect Control Theory and Emotions | Handbook of Emotions. Jonathan Turner and Jan Stets (eds). Springer | |
Impression Formation | 1980 | Smith, Bernadette Pelissier | Impression formation among Egyptians and Lebanese | PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | |
Impression Formation | 2002 | Smith, Herman W. | The Dynamics of Japanese and American Interpersonal Events: Behavioral Settings versus Personality Traits | Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 26: 71-92 | |
Business | 1995 | Smith, Herman W. | Predicting stress in American-Japanese business relations | Journal of Asian Business 12: 79-89 | |
Emotions | 2009 | Smith, Herman W. and Andreas Schneider | Critiquing Models of Emotions | Sociological Methods & Research 37: 560-589 | |
Impression Formation | 2005 | Smith, Herman W., and Linda E. Francis | Social versus Self-Directed Events among Japanese and Americans: Self-actualization, Emotions, Moods, and Trait Disposition Labeling | Social Forces 84: 821-830 | |
Emotions | 2006 | Smith, Herman W., and Yap Miow-Lin | Guilty Americans and Shameful Japanese? An Affect Control Test of Benedict's Thesis | Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds). 213-236. Palgrave-Macmillan | |
Gender | 1998 | Smith, Herman W., Michio Umino, and Takanori Matsuno | The formation of gender-differentiated sentiments in Japan | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 22: 373-395 | |
Affective Meaning | 2002 | Smith, Herman W., Shuuichirou Ike, and Ying Li | Project Magellan Redux: Problems and Solutions with Collecting Cross-cultural Affective Meanings Via the Internet | Electronic Journal of Sociology 6, 3 | HTML |
Impression Formation | 1994 | Smith, Herman W., Takanori Matsuno, and Michio Umino | How similar are impression-formation processes among Japanese and Americans? | Social Psychology Quarterly 57: 124-139 | |
Impression Formation | 2001 | Smith, Herman W., Takanori Matsuno, and Shuuichirou Ike | The affective basis of attributional processes among Japanese and Americans | Social Psychology Quarterly 64: 180-194 | |
Affective Meaning | 1969 | Snider, J. G., and Charles E. Osgood (eds) | Semantic Differential Technique: A Sourcebook | Aldine | |
Affective Meaning | 1957 | Solley, Charles M., and Samuel J. Messick | Probability, learning, the statistical structure of concepts, and the measurement of meaning | American Journal of Psychology, 70: 161-73 | |
Self | 1984 | Swann, W. B., and R. J. Ely | A battle of wills: Self-confirmation versus behavioral confirmation | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46: 1287-1302 | |
Self | 1982 | Swann, W. B., Jr, and C. A. Hill | When our identities are mistaken: Reaffirming self-conceptions through social interaction | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 43: 59-66 | |
Affective Meaning | 1995 | Thomas, Lisa, and D. R. Heise | Mining Error Variance and Hitting Pay-Dirt: Discovering Systematic Variation in Social Sentiments | The Sociological Quarterly, 36: 425-439 | |
Deviance | 2002 | Thomassen, Lisa | An Alcoholic is Good and Sober: Sentiment Change in AA | Deviant Behavior. 23: 177-200 | |
Simulations | 2004 | Troyer, Lisa | Affect Control Theory as a Foundation for the Design of Socially Intelligent Systems | Proceedings of 2004 American Association for Artificial Intelligence Symposium on Architectures for Modeling Emotion: Cross Disciplinary Foundations, pp 27-30 AAAI Press: Menlo Park, CA | |
Politics | 2005 | Troyer, Lisa, and Dawn T. Robinson | Contributions of a microsociological perspective on emotion to the study of political identity and action | Affect and Cognition in Political Action. David Redlawsk and G. Robert Boynton (eds), | |
Deviance | 2000 | Tsoudis, Olga | Relation of affect control theory to the sentencing of criminals | Journal of Social Psychology, 140(4): 473-485 | |
Deviance | 2000 | Tsoudis, Olga | The likelihood of victim restitution in mock cases: Are the 'rules of the game' different from prison and probation? | Social Behavior and Personality, 28: 483-500 | |
Deviance | 1998 | Tsoudis, Olga, and Lynn Smith-Lovin | How bad was it? The effects of victim and perpetrator emotion on responses to criminal court vignettes | Social Forces, 77: 695-722 | |
Deviance | 2001 | Tsoudis, Olga, and Lynn Smith-Lovin | Criminal identity: The key to situational construals in mock criminal court cases | Sociological Spectrum, 21: 3-31 | |
Affective Meaning | 1990 | Tzeng, Oliver C. (ed). | Language, Meaning, and Culture: The Selected Papers of C. E. Osgood. | Praeger Publishers | |
Affective Meaning | 1969 | Walkey, Frank H., and Roger Boshier | Changes in semantic differential responses over two years | Psychological Reports 24: 1008-1010 | |
Experiments | 1987 | Wiggins, Beverly, and D. R. Heise | Expectations, intentions, and behavior: Some tests of affect control theory | Journal of Mathematical Sociology 13: 153-169 (In Smith-Lovin & Heise, 1988) | |
Deviance | 1991 | Williamson, Sherrie, Timothy J. Harpur, and Robert D. Hare | Abnormal processing of affective words by psychopaths | Psychophysiology 28:260-273 | |
Experiments | 2009 | Youngreen, Reef, Bridget Conlon, Dawn T. Robinson, and Michael J. Lovaglia | Identity maintenance and cognitive test performance | Social Science Research 38:438\u2013446 |