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Keeping Records of Analyses


Printing Screen Displays

The Print command in your browser generally will print the Interact form that is showing on the screen, along with text above and below the form. Thus you can keep a paper copy of faces and graphs that appear when you are analyzing events.

Documents Summarizing Results

A summary of analyses that have been conducted is available by selecting View report in the forms menu. The text box shows each event that was analyzed, and some computed outcomes from the events.

You can save a report as follows:

bullet Select the text in the boxt.
bullet Copy the selected text with the proper keystrokes for copying (e.g., CTRL-C on Microsoft Windows).
bullet Paste the copied text into a blank document on a text processor and save the document.

When operating with Basic functions the report describes the interactants and their optimal behaviors and emotions. Each event in the interaction is specified as an actor-behavior-object combination. Each optimal behavior or emotion is characterized with four different words. Additionally the report describes optimal attributions and labelings resulting from each event, and it specifies the deflection arising from the event. (Attributions, labelings, and deflection are not shown on-screen when operating at the basic level.)

When operating with Advanced functions, the report focuses on numerical information, beginning with means and standard deviations of EPA profiles in the dictionaries that were used in analyses. Each event is described verbally. Then the report shows EPA profiles that were used to implement definitions of the situation, and transient EPA profiles that were retrieved from prior events, or computed at the given event. (The number 99.99 represents a value that was not specified in the analysis.) The report specifies the deflection arising from the event. The report gives computed EPA profiles describing the emotions, actions, attributions, and labels arising from each event, along with a word corresponding to each computed profile.

© 1997, 2000, 2011
David Heise