
Affect Control Theory


Affect Control Theory proposes that:

bullet Individuals conduct themselves so as to generate feelings appropriate to the situation.
bullet Individuals who can't maintain appropriate feelings through actions change their views of the situation.
bullet Individuals' emotions signal the relationship between their experiences and their definitions of situations.

Virtual seminars and geographic meetings are announced and archived on the Conferencing page.

Select Exhibits to go to on-line software that introduces you to the theory's  measurements and predictions.

Interact is an on-line computer program integrating the data and ideas of Affect Control Theory for analyses of social interaction.

The datasets used in Interact can be downloaded with Interact's Import/Export function. Brief descriptions of the datasets and appropriate citations are specified in Data. This page also links to documentation on Surveyor, the program for gathering data over the Internet.

You may Download your own copies of Affect Control Theory software.

The Community of researchers developing Affect Control Theory is distributed world-wide at universities in the United States, Canada, Japan, and the People's Republic of China.

Readings related to Affect Control Theory consist of about 175 articles and books.

This site contains several megabytes of information related to Affect Control Theory. Use the Search function to find appearances of a name, word, or phrase.

horizontal rule

German-language presentations of some materials on affect control theory are provided by Tobias Schr�der on his web site.


URL: www.indiana.edu/~socpsy/ACT/index.htm last updated November 29, 2019.
Website developed 1997, 2001, 2011 by David Heise

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