Each summary should be 2-3 paragraphs long, or half a page, or less than 300 words, depending on how you want to measure. The point is that the summaries should not be long.
A paper summary should describe the main idea of the paper to someone who is already familiar with the research area (e.g., another CS 848 student). You will not be able to include every detail of the paper, so you will need to decide what to include and what to omit. The summary should also include your opinion of the paper, and any questions or comments that you want addressed in the discussion.
Put your paper summaries for each week in one e-mail, clearly indicating which paper each summary belongs to, and send that e-mail to me before 9:00am on Monday, with the subject "CS 848 paper summaries".
Note that you do not need to prepare any paper summaries for any week in which you are presenting a paper.