Text Data Description Languages
Developed in SGML
See movies.dtd
mechanism to identify names uniquely
See Bray's example
3-part specification: primer, structures, datatypes
See movies.xsd
ISO standard (Dec. 2003), developed by James Clark and
Murata Makoto through OASIS
Two syntaxes:
XML Syntax
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0">
<ref name="AddressBook"/>
<define name="AddressBook">
<ref name="Card"/>
<define name="Card">
<element name="email">
<attribute name "workOrHome">
Compact Syntax
grammar {
start = AddressBook
AddressBook = element addressBook { Card* }
Card = element card { Name, Email, element note { text} ? }
Name = element name { text }
Email = element email { attribute workOrHome { ("work" | "home") }, text
Relax NG specification in Relax NG
Querying XML, Chapter 4, 5, 7.3, 7.4