Design and Re-engineering of Systems.
On several occasions, I have been the main force behind
new developments or changes aimed at improving the quality,
efficiency and competitiveness of a business or academic enterprise.
These developments or changes can be categorized as:
- promotion, design, and implementation of software (or embedded system)
development methods and processes;
- design and re-engineering of business processes aimed at increasing their flexibility,
and responsiveness to customer needs;
- design, recruitment, and delivery of new educational programs aimed at making
universities more responsive to the needs of students, industry, and society;
encouraging a laboratory-based experimental approach to computer science
by promoting the idea, seeking the funds,
and securing the needed space, machinery, and human resources;
improving the content and relevance of computer science programs by introducing
hands-on software and hardware courses;
introduction of new teaching methods aimed at improving the
effectiveness and appeal of existing courses.
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