Elena Grigorescu
I have recently joined the Algorithms and Complexity Group in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo .
My research interests lie broadly in theoretical computer science, with a particular emphasis on sublinear algorithms, complexity theory, coding theory and
learning theory.
My recent work has focused on the following goals:
designing algorithms that only use sublinear time or sublinear space, in computational models relevant to large data sets
understanding the complexity of fundamental problems on error-correcting codes and point lattices, with applications to communications,
cryptography and optimizations
understanding information-theoretical limits of computation in diverse models.
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Sorted chronologically
Sorted by topic:
Current: Vatsal Jha ,
Shreya Nasa (MS, 2024; now PhD candidate),
Nithish Kumar (PhD expected 2024),
Maoyuan Raymond Song (PhD expected 2024, co-advised with Paul Valiant).
PhD :
Venkata Gandikota (PhD 2017),
Samson Zhou (PhD 2018, co-advised with Greg Frederickson),
Abhiram Natarajan (PhD 2020, co-advised with Saugata Basu),
Young-San Lin (PhD 2022, co-advised with Thanh Nguyen),
Minshen Zhu (PhD 2023),
Tamalika Mukherjee (PhD 2023, co-advised with Jeremiah Blocki).
Undergraduate :
Clayton Thomas ,
Shubhang Kulkarni
CS580 Algorithm Design and Analysis Fall 2024, Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Fall 2013.
CS584 Theory of Computation/Computational Complexity Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2017, Spring 2014, Spring 2013
CS381 Intro to the Analysis of Algorithms: Fall 2023, Fall 2020 (on Brightspace) ; Previous versions Spring 2019 , Spring 2018, Fall 2014.
CS483 Intro to the Theory of Computation , Spring 2023.
CS584 Theory of Computation/Computational Complexity Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2017, Spring 2014, Spring 2013
CS182: Foundations of CS Spring 2022 (on Brightspace);
CS590 SLA: Sublinear Algorithms Spring 2021 .
CS483 Intro to the Theory of Computation , Spring 2016.
CS590 STA: Sublinear Algorithms Spring 2015
CS590 Current Topics in Theoretical Computer Science , Fall 2012
Discrete Fourier Analysis and Applications , Spring 2012, Georgia Tech;
Workshops: TCS For All Meeting at STOC 2024, 2023 ,
Theory Fest FCRC/STOC 2023 ,
TCS Women Meeting at STOC 2021, 2022 ,
Romanian Algorithms Days 2023, 2021 .
Office: DC 3508
Email: elena-g uwaterloo.ca