E1: Hello OpenCV
Get a computer vision library installed and test your video camera.
Follow the instructions for installing OpenCV, Python, and related libraries (or the language and library of your choosing).
Write code to load and display an image(e.g. PNG, JPG). You can use this helper function for displaying openCV images inline in a Jupyter notebook.
Write code to connect to your video camera, then capture and display a single frame of video.
Follow the submission instructions on the course information page. Include a screen capture of your captured webcam frame. In your solution description, make a note of your operating system and camera model, any problems you ran into, and the main resource(s) you used (blog posts, online tutorials, stackoverflow posts, papers, textbooks, etc.). These resources should be annotated with brief descriptions of what the resource is and how it helped you.
You can combine your code, screen captures, and description together in one Jupyter notebook and hand it in as a PDF.