E8: Tracking
Everyone likes tracking faces and eyes.
Write code to detect faces and eyes using OpenCV's Haar Cascades classifier.
You will need these data files: haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml and haarcascade_eye.xml
Test your code with an image with multiple faces. You can see my results below. Note the classifier is not perfect, write about what it has trouble classifying and what it falsely classifies as a face or eye.
- Write code to detect faces and eyes in live video. Write about your results: are they good? Is it fast?
Follow the submission instructions on the course information page. Include your code and one screen capture from each objective. In your solution description, write about any problems you ran into, and the resource(s) you used (blog posts, online tutorials, stackoverflow posts, papers, textbooks, etc.). These resources should be annotated with brief descriptions of what the resource is and how it helped you.
You can combine your code, screen captures, and description together into one PDF or hand in the code and description separately. You should be able to submit multiple files to Learn.