# Recent Additions :: Movies - Back Catalogue # =========================================== #### Added April 2014 #### tt1222816 # Wings of Life (2011) tt0088161 # Splash (1984) tt0049474 # The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1956) #### Added March 2014 #### tt0083530 # Airplane II: The Sequel (1982) tt0110632 #+ Natural Born Killers (1994) tt0038417 # Cloak and Dagger (1946) #### Added February 2014 #### tt0034881 # I Married a Witch (1942) tt1235830 # Chico & Rita (2010) tt0045935 # Gate of Hell (1953) tt0116242 # Everyone Says I Love You (1996) #### Added January 2014 #### tt0086999 # Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984) tt0038559 # Gilda (1946) tt0031867 # The Roaring Twenties (1939) tt0088206 # Supergirl (1984) tt0903135 # The Invincible Iron Man (2007) tt0037415 # The Uninvited (1944) tt1634136 # Violet & Daisy (2011) tt0045917 # Invaders from Mars (1953) tt0065938 # Kelly's Heroes (1970) tt0062480 # Weekend (1967) tt0080474 # Brubaker (1980) tt1124058 # St. Nick (2009) tt0491703 # Ultimate Avengers (2006) tt0062759 # The Diamond Arm (1969) tt0073631 # Rollerball (1975)