# Academy Awards (Oscars) :: Best Director :: nominations # ======================================================= #### 2013 #### tt1454468 #+ Gravity (2013) tt2024544 # 12 Years a Slave (2013) tt1800241 # American Hustle (2013) tt1821549 # Nebraska (2013) tt0993846 # The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) #### 2012 #### tt0454876 # Life of Pi (2012) tt1602620 # Amour (2012) tt2125435 # Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) tt0443272 # Lincoln (2012) tt1045658 # Silver Linings Playbook (2012) #### 2011 #### tt1655442 # The Artist (2011) tt1033575 # The Descendants (2011) tt0970179 # Hugo (2011) tt1605783 # Midnight in Paris (2011) tt0478304 # The Tree of Life (2011) #### 2010 #### tt1504320 #+ The King's Speech (2010) tt0947798 # Black Swan (2010) tt0964517 # The Fighter (2010) tt1285016 #+ The Social Network (2010) tt1403865 # True Grit (2010) #### 2009 #### tt0887912 # The Hurt Locker (2009) tt0499549 # Avatar (2009) tt0361748 # Inglourious Basterds (2009) tt0929632 # Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire (2009) tt1193138 # Up in the Air (2009) #### 2008 #### tt1010048 # Slumdog Millionaire (2008) tt0421715 # The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) tt0870111 # Frost / Nixon (2008) tt1013753 # Milk (2008) tt0976051 # The Reader (2008) #### 2007 #### tt0477348 # No Country for Old Men (2007) tt0401383 # The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007) tt0467406 # Juno (2007) tt0465538 # Michael Clayton (2007) tt0469494 # There Will Be Blood (2007) #### 2006 #### tt0407887 # The Departed (2006) tt0449467 # Babel (2006) tt0498380 #+ Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) tt0436697 # The Queen (2006) tt0475276 # United 93 (2006) #### 2005 #### tt0388795 # Brokeback Mountain (2005) tt0379725 # Capote (2005) tt0375679 # Crash (2004) tt0433383 # Good Night, and Good Luck (2005) tt0408306 # Munich (2005) #### 2004 #### tt0405159 #+ Million Dollar Baby (2004) tt0338751 #+ Aviator (2004) tt0350258 # Ray (2004) tt0375063 # Sideways (2004) tt0383694 # Vera Drake (2004) #### 2003 #### tt0167260 #+ The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) tt0317248 # City of God (2002) tt0335266 # Lost in Translation (2003) tt0311113 # Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) tt0327056 # Mystic River (2003) #### 2002 #### tt0253474 #+ The Pianist (2002) tt0299658 # Chicago (2002) tt0217505 # Gangs of New York (2002) tt0274558 # The Hours (2002) tt0287467 # Talk to Her (2002) #### 2001 #### tt0268978 #+ A Beautiful Mind (2001) tt0265086 # Black Hawk Down (2001) tt0280707 # Gosford Park (2001) tt0120737 #+ The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) tt0166924 # Mulholland Dr. (2001) #### 2000 #### tt0181865 #+ Traffic (2000) tt0249462 # Billy Elliot (2000) tt0190332 # Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) tt0195685 # Erin Brockovich (2000) tt0172495 #+ Gladiator (2000) #### 1999 #### tt0169547 # American Beauty (1999) tt0120601 # Being John Malkovich (1999) tt0124315 # Cider House Rules (1999) tt0140352 # The Insider (1999) tt0167404 # The Sixth Sense (1999) #### 1998 #### tt0120815 # Saving Private Ryan (1998) tt0118799 # Life is Beautiful (1997) tt0138097 # Shakespeare in Love (1998) tt0120863 # The Thin Red Line (1998) tt0120382 # The Truman Show (1998) #### 1997 #### tt0120338 # Titanic (1997) tt0119164 # The Full Monty (1997) tt0119217 # Good Will Hunting (1997) tt0119488 # L.A. Confidential (1997) tt0120255 # The Sweet Hereafter (1997) #### 1996 #### tt0116209 # The English Patient (1996) tt0116282 # Fargo (1996) tt0117318 # The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) tt0117589 # Secrets & Lies (1996) tt0117631 #+ Shine (1996) #### 1995 #### tt0112573 # Braveheart (1995) tt0112431 # Babe (1995) tt0112818 # Dead Man Walking (1995) tt0113627 # Leaving Las Vegas (1995) tt0110877 # Il Postino (1994) #### 1994 #### tt0109830 #+ Forrest Gump (1994) tt0109348 # Bullets Over Broadway (1994) tt0110912 #+ Pulp Fiction (1994) tt0110932 # Quiz Show (1994) tt0111495 # Three Colors: Red (1994) #### 1993 #### tt0108052 #+ Schindler's List (1993) tt0107207 # In the Name of the Father (1993) tt0107822 # The Piano (1993) tt0107943 # Remains of the Day (1993) tt0108122 #+ Short Cuts (1993) #### 1992 #### tt0105695 # Unforgiven (1992) tt0104036 # The Crying Game (1992) tt0104454 #+ Howards End (1992) tt0105151 #+ The Player (1992) tt0105323 # Scent of a Woman (1992) #### 1991 #### tt0102926 #+ The Silence of the Lambs (1991) tt0101507 # Boyz n the Hood (1991) tt0101516 #+ Bugsy (1991) tt0102138 #+ JFK (1991) tt0103074 #+ Thelma & Louise (1991) #### 1990 #### tt0099348 # Dances With Wolves (1990) tt0099674 # The Godfather: Part III (1990) tt0099685 #+ Goodfellas (1990) tt0099703 # The Grifters (1990) #----------- # Reversal of Fortune (1990) #### 1989 #### tt0096969 # Born on the Fourth of July (1989) tt0097123 # Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) tt0097165 # Dead Poets Society (1989) tt0097499 # Henry V (1989) tt0097937 # My Left Foot (1989) #### 1988 #### tt0095953 # Rain Man (1988) tt0095159 # A Fish Called Wanda (1988) tt0095497 # The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) tt0095647 # Mississippi Burning (1988) tt0096463 # Working Girl (1988) #### 1987 #### tt0093389 #+ The Last Emperor (1987) tt0093010 # Fatal Attraction (1987) tt0093209 # Hope and Glory (1987) tt0093565 # Moonstruck (1987) tt0089606 # My Life as a Dog (1985) #### 1986 #### tt0091763 # Platoon (1986) tt0090756 # Blue Velvet (1986) tt0091167 # Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) tt0091530 #+ The Mission (1986) tt0091867 # A Room with a View (1985) #### 1985 #### tt0089755 # Out of Africa (1985) tt0089424 #+ Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) tt0089841 # Prizzi's Honor (1985) tt0089881 #+ Ran (1985) tt0090329 # Witness (1985) #### 1984 #### tt0086879 #+ Amadeus (1984) #----------- # Broadway Danny Rose (1984) tt0087553 # The Killing Fields (1984) tt0087892 #+ Passage To India (1984) tt0087921 # Places in the Heart (1984) #### 1983 #### tt0086425 # Terms of Endearment (1983) tt0085461 # The Dresser (1983) tt0083922 # Fanny and Alexander (1982) tt0086312 # Silkwood (1983) tt0086423 # Tender Mercies (1983) #### 1982 #### tt0083987 # Gandhi (1982) tt0082096 # Das Boot (1981) tt0083866 #+ E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) tt0084805 # Tootsie (1982) tt0084855 #+ The Verdict (1982) #### 1981 #### tt0082979 #+ Reds (1981) tt0080388 # Atlantic City (1980) tt0082158 #+ Chariots of Fire (1981) tt0082846 # On Golden Pond (1981) tt0082971 #+ Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) #### 1980 #### tt0081283 # Ordinary People (1980) tt0080678 # The Elephant Man (1980) tt0081398 #+ Raging Bull (1980) tt0081568 # The Stunt Man (1980) tt0080009 # Tess (1979) #### 1979 #### tt0079417 # Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) tt0078754 # All That Jazz (1979) tt0078788 #+ Apocalypse Now (1979) tt0078902 # Breaking Away (1979) tt0077288 # La Cage aux Folles (1978) #### 1978 #### tt0077416 # The Deer Hunter (1978) tt0077362 # Coming Home (1978) tt0077663 # Heaven Can Wait (1978) #----------- # Interiors (1978) tt0077928 # Midnight Express (1978) #### 1977 #### tt0075686 # Annie Hall (1977) tt0075860 #+ Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) tt0076245 # Julia (1977) tt0076759 #+ Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) #----------- # The Turning Point (1977) #### 1976 #### tt0075148 # Rocky (1976) tt0074119 # All the President's Men (1976) #----------- # Face to Face (1976) tt0074958 #+ Network (1976) #----------- # Seven Beauties (1976) #### 1975 #### tt0073486 # One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) tt0071129 #+ Amarcord (1973) tt0072684 # Barry Lyndon (1975) tt0072890 # Dog Day Afternoon (1975) tt0073440 # Nashville (1975) #### 1974 #### tt0071562 # The Godfather: Part II (1974) tt0071315 # Chinatown (1974) #----------- # Day for Night (1974) #----------- # Lenny (1974) tt0072417 # A Woman Under the Influence (1974) #### 1973 #### tt0070735 # The Sting (1973) tt0069704 # American Graffiti (1973) tt0069467 # Cries & Whispers (1972) tt0070047 # The Exorcist (1973) tt0070849 # Last Tango in Paris (1972) #### 1972 #### tt0068327 # Cabaret (1972) tt0068473 # Deliverance (1972) #----------- # The Emigrants (1972) tt0068646 #+ The Godfather (1972) tt0069281 # Sleuth (1972) #### 1971 #### tt0067116 #+ The French Connection (1971) tt0066921 # A Clockwork Orange (1971) tt0067093 #+ Fiddler on the Roof (1971) tt0067328 # The Last Picture Show (1971) #----------- # Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971) #### 1970 #### tt0066206 # Patton (1970) #----------- # Fellini Satyricon (1970) tt0066011 # Love Story (1970) tt0066026 #+ M*A*S*H (1970) #----------- # Women in Love (1970) #### 1969 #### tt0064665 # Midnight Cowboy (1969) #----------- # Alice's Restaurant (1969) tt0064115 # Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) #----------- # They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969) tt0065234 # Z (1969) #### 1968 #### tt0063385 # Oliver! (1968) tt0058946 # The Battle of Algiers (1966) tt0063227 # The Lion in Winter (1968) tt0063518 # Romeo & Juliet (1968) tt0062622 # 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) #### 1967 #### tt0061722 #+ The Graduate (1967) tt0061418 # Bonnie and Clyde (1967) tt0061735 # Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) tt0061809 # In Cold Blood (1967) tt0061811 # In the Heat of the Night (1967) #### 1966 #### tt0060665 # A Man for All Seasons (1966) tt0060176 # Blow-Up (1966) tt0061138 # A Man and a Woman (1966) #----------- # The Professionals (1966) tt0061184 # Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) #### 1965 #### tt0059742 #+ The Sound of Music (1965) #----------- # The Collector (1965) tt0059084 # Darling (1965) tt0059113 #+ Doctor Zhivago (1965) tt0058625 # Woman in the Dunes (1964) #### 1964 #### tt0058385 #+ My Fair Lady (1964) tt0057877 # Becket (1964) tt0057012 # Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) tt0058331 #+ Mary Poppins (1964) tt0057831 #+ Zorba the Greek (1964) #### 1963 #### tt0057590 # Tom Jones (1963) #----------- # America America (1963) tt0056907 # The Cardinal (1963) tt0056801 #+ 8 1/2 (1963) tt0057163 # Hud (1963) #### 1962 #### tt0056172 # Lawrence of Arabia (1962) #----------- # David and Lisa (1962) tt0055913 #+ Divorce Italian Style (1961) tt0056241 # The Miracle Worker (1962) tt0056592 # To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) #### 1961 #### tt0055614 #+ West Side Story (1961) tt0054953 # The Guns of Navarone (1961) tt0054997 # The Hustler (1961) tt0055031 # Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) tt0053779 #+ La Dolce Vita (1960) #### 1960 #### tt0053604 # The Apartment (1960) #----------- # Never on Sunday (1960) tt0054215 # Psycho (1960) #----------- # Sons and Lovers (1960) #----------- # The Sundowners (1960) #### 1959 #### tt0052618 # Ben-Hur (1959) tt0052738 #+ The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) tt0053131 # The Nun's Story (1959) #----------- # Room at the Top (1959) tt0053291 # Some Like It Hot (1959) #### 1958 #### tt0051658 # Gigi (1958) tt0051459 # Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) #----------- # The Defiant Ones (1958) #----------- # I Want To Live! (1958) #----------- # The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958) #### 1957 #### tt0050212 #+ The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) tt0050839 #+ Peyton Place (1957) tt0050933 # Sayonara (1957) tt0050083 # 12 Angry Men (1957) tt0051201 # Witness for the Prosecution (1957) #### 1956 #### tt0049261 #+ Giant (1956) tt0048960 # Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) #----------- # Friendly Persuasion (1956) tt0049408 #+ The King and I (1956) #----------- # War and Peace (1956) #### 1955 #### tt0048356 # Marty (1955) tt0047849 # Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) tt0048028 #+ East of Eden (1955) tt0048491 # Picnic (1955) tt0048673 # Summertime (1955) #### 1954 #### tt0047296 # On the Waterfront (1954) #----------- # The Country Girl (1954) #----------- # The High and the Mighty (1954) tt0047396 # Rear Window (1954) tt0047437 # Sabrina (1954) #### 1953 #### tt0045793 # From Here to Eternity (1953) #----------- # Lili (1953) tt0046250 # Roman Holiday (1953) tt0046303 # Shane (1953) tt0046359 # Stalag 17 (1953) #### 1952 #### tt0045061 # The Quiet Man (1952) #----------- # Five Fingers (1952) tt0044672 # The Greatest Show on Earth (1952) tt0044706 # High Noon (1952) #----------- # Moulin Rouge (1952) #### 1951 #### tt0043924 # A Place in the Sun (1951) tt0043265 # The African Queen (1951) tt0043278 # An American in Paris (1951) #----------- # Detective Story (1951) tt0044081 # A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) #### 1950 #### tt0042192 # All About Eve (1950) tt0042208 # The Asphalt Jungle (1950) tt0042276 # Born Yesterday (1950) tt0043014 # Sunset Boulevard (1950) tt0041959 # The Third Man (1949) #### 1949 #### tt0041587 # A Letter to Three Wives (1949) tt0041113 # All the King's Men (1949) tt0041163 # Battleground (1949) tt0040338 # The Fallen Idol (1948) tt0041452 # The Heiress (1949) #### 1948 #### tt0040897 #+ The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) tt0040416 # Hamlet (1948) #----------- # Johnny Belinda (1948) #----------- # The Search (1948) tt0040806 # The Snake Pit (1948) #### 1947 #### tt0039416 # Gentleman's Agreement (1947) tt0039190 # The Bishop's Wife (1947) #----------- # Crossfire (1947) #----------- # A Double Life (1947) tt0038574 # Great Expectations (1946) #### 1946 #### tt0036868 # The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) tt0037558 # Brief Encounter (1945) tt0038650 #+ It's a Wonderful Life (1946) tt0038669 # The Killers (1946) tt0039111 # The Yearling (1946) #### 1945 #### tt0037884 # The Lost Weekend (1945) tt0037536 # The Bells of St. Mary's (1945) tt0037120 # National Velvet (1944) #----------- # The Southerner (1945) tt0038109 # Spellbound (1945) #### 1944 #### tt0036872 # Going My Way (1944) tt0036775 #+ Double Indemnity (1944) tt0037008 # Laura (1944) tt0037017 # Lifeboat (1944) #----------- # Wilson (1944) #### 1943 #### tt0034583 # Casablanca (1942) tt0035979 # Heaven Can Wait (1943) #----------- # The Human Comedy (1943) #----------- # The More the Merrier (1943) tt0036377 # The Song of Bernadette (1943) #### 1942 #### tt0035093 # Mrs. Miniver (1942) tt0034946 # Kings Row (1942) tt0035238 # Random Harvest (1942) #----------- # Wake Island (1942) tt0035575 #+ Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) #### 1941 #### tt0033729 # How Green Was My Valley (1941) tt0033467 #+ Citizen Kane (1941) #----------- # Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941) #----------- # The Little Foxes (1941) tt0034167 #+ Sergeant York (1941) #### 1940 #### tt0032551 #+ The Grapes of Wrath (1940) #----------- # Kitty Foyle (1940) #----------- # The Letter (1940) tt0032904 # The Philadelphia Story (1940) tt0032976 #+ Rebecca (1940) #### 1939 #### tt0031381 # Gone with the Wind (1939) #----------- # Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939) tt0031679 # Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) tt0031971 #+ Stagecoach (1939) #----------- # Wuthering Heights (1939) #### 1938 #### tt0030993 # You Can't Take It with You (1938) tt0029870 # Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) tt0029942 # Boys Town (1938) #----------- # The Citadel (1938) #----------- # Four Daughters (1938) #### 1937 #### tt0028597 # The Awful Truth (1937) #----------- # The Good Earth (1937) tt0029146 # The Life of Emile Zola (1937) #----------- # Stage Door (1937) #----------- # A Star Is Born (1937) #### 1936 #### tt0027996 # Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) tt0027532 # Dodsworth (1936) tt0027698 # The Great Ziegfeld (1936) tt0028010 # My Man Godfrey (1936) #----------- # San Francisco (1936) #### 1935 #### tt0026529 # The Informer (1935) tt0026174 # Captain Blood (1935) #----------- # The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935) tt0026752 # Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) #### 1934 #### tt0025316 # It Happened One Night (1934) #----------- # One Night of Love (1934) tt0025878 # The Thin Man (1934) #### 1933 #### #----------- # Cavalcade (1933) #----------- # Lady for a Day (1933) tt0024264 # Little Women (1933) #### 1932 #### #----------- # Bad Girl (1932) #----------- # The Champ (1932) #----------- # Shanghai Express (1932) #### 1931 #### #----------- # Skippy (1931) tt0021746 # Cimarron (1931) #----------- # A Free Soul (1931) #----------- # The Front Page (1931) #----------- # Morocco (1931) #### 1930 #### tt0020629 # All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) #----------- # Anna Christie (1930) #----------- # The Divorcee (1930) #----------- # The Love Parade (1930) #----------- # Hallelujah (1930) #----------- # Romance (1930) # Count: 344 / 414