Captain Jack :: The SAT Solver Department of Computer Science, The University of British Columbia and Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Ulm University |
Captain Jack is a highly parametric stochastic local search algorithm for solving SAT.
A preprint of the final Captain Jack paper is available [here].
An detailed experimental appendix (still in a rough draft) is available upon request.
Captain Jack is included in ubcsat (since version 1.2-beta12).
You should use the most recent version.
(the build used to generate the data in the SAT 2011 paper is ubcsat 1.2-beta12 available [here])
Each of the data sets are split into a training and a test set:
The final parameter settings found by ParamILS and used to generate the results in the SAT11 paper are [here].
to use these files with ubcsat, you can simply use:
ubcsat -alg jack -fp parameterfile
(we have also provided all of the preliminary parameter settings used in the experiments [here]; the final parameter settings are the phase3 results)
The configuration files used to configure Captain Jack with ParamILS are available [here].
(we have also provided all of the configuration files used in each phase of the experiments [here])
@inproceedings {sat11-jack, author = "Dave A. D. Tompkins and Adrian Balint and Holger H. Hoos", title = "{C}aptain {J}ack: New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for {SAT}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing ({SAT 2011})", pages = "302--316", year = "2011", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "6695", editor = "Karem Sakallah and Laurent Simon", publisher = "Springer Berlin / Heidelberg" }